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1949 Olds 88coupe

My Hot Rocket.


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Anonymous on Dec 1, 2008 said:

Nice, always wanted one. They were hot in the early fiftys. Jim in Virginia

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Anonymous on Jan 7, 2009 said:

I had two 50 olds, 1st was a 2door sedan painted emerald green. #2 was a buisness coupe that i painted ruby maroon metalic. Sold the coupe to a friend that took it to L.A. and drove it on the freeways for several years before it died. Lampy, Phx.

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tubbedout on Jan 19, 2009 said:

i had one in 1999, original, needed to be restored. i had a 50 chevy coupe that i tubbed out and big blocked it. just needed paint. the 49 olds i helped st rod it, painted it red, and put 1 piece windshield in it. the person who bought it sold it for big bucks. nice cars huh, and alot of fun. i have 1 last car i'm doing now - 28 model A sedan. then it's gonna be for sale. original.

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cobraguy on Mar 1, 2009 said:

I always loved this era of Olds. I had a '50 88 in the sixties. The engine started as a '58 371ci but ended up punched and stroked to 421ci. It had an Isky 505 Magnum roller: six Rochester 2GCs on a Weiand log manifold; fenderwell headers and hooked to a LaSalle three speed. Sure do wish I still had was a fun B/G car. The guy I sold it to missed a shift the first day; lost the pressure plate and blew the back off the block. He was glad I had built a 3/8" scattershield.

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