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'71 Dodge Superbee

Our 71 'Bee, owned by my wife and I since 1995. Complete restoration took about 10 years, but not because the body was in bad shape, just the opposite. Just time was not available all the time to work on her.

383 Magnum, numbers matching, including transmission and rearend.

2006 Oceana NAS Air Show, USN F14 Tomcat & 71 Dodge Superbee

2006 Oceana NAS Air Show USAF F16 & 71 Dodge Superbee

Collector Car #36 on magnet series

30 Nov 2012 Over the River & Through the Woods Cruise. Apx. 230 miles and 39 hard core cruisers that day.

30 Nov 2012 Over the River & Through the Woods Cruise. Apx. 230 miles and 39 hard core cruisers that day.

30 Nov 2012 Over the River & Through the Woods Cruise. Apx. 230 miles and 39 hard core cruisers that day.

Memories of days gone by. ;-)


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dstryr on Dec 2, 2008 said:

Great job on your car-I really like the color combination! Looks like a keeper!

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Stratocharger on Mar 29, 2009 said:

very cool and an unusual color too... stratocharger

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Anonymous on Sep 4, 2009 said:

You should add your car to the site

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Anonymous on Dec 1, 2009 said:

is the the light gunmetal metallic?

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veloudaa on Dec 2, 2009 said:

GA4 Light Gunmetal Iridescent according to the color chart. Thanks to all of your comments, and yes, I do need to load it to the Superbee website. Been meaning to for years. May all of you have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season. Tony

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Anonymous on Jun 10, 2010 said:

Add it to the Super Bee registry too.

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Anonymous on Mar 16, 2011 said:

Veloudaa, this is my favorite color for the charger, my 71 was going to be black but after seeing your charger I'm convinced. I called my local paint store and they say they can't get GA4 gunmetal metallica, and never heard of Iridescent. Could you help me out how to get chip? A sample or the contact for the shop that painted it maybe they can help. Thank you I hope you could help me out, email is

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RonRRC on Nov 28, 2011 said:

That is one beautiful car, LOVE the MOPARS! Heck i love all old cars, Mopars takes the top listing for me though.. The color combo you have on this is almost the same as what i have pictured for a 73 Charger im trying to get... ENJOY!!!

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64SHORTY on Dec 19, 2011 said:

Tony, It was nice to meet another USAF Brother into Hot Rods and doing the right thing for Toys For Tots run this year. My wife and kids were so happy to ride along to the Marine Corps Museum with you guys under police escort for such a great cause. We hope to see you, your wife and your awesome car, at the different car shows next year. God Bless you guys, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Oscar and Family

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Anonymous on Dec 20, 2011 said:

It was really nice meeting you all as well. Definitely search me out if you see the 'Bee at a car show or cruise in. Merry Christmas and have a great New Year.

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Anonymous on Mar 31, 2013 said:

When I came back from Viet Nam in the summer of 1971 I purchased a vehicle identical to this one and I have never seen another one with the same color before this photo. I am wondering if it could be my car? I purchased it at Little Rock Dodge in Little Rock Arkansas.

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veloudaa on Apr 1, 2013 said:

I bought this car in 1995. Someone had painted it twice with red paint, but all the door jams, trunk and engine compartment were still GA4, Light Gun Metal Irred. I bought it from a couple of guys in Dallas Texas. If you have the last six digits of the VIN, I'll let you know. It would be good to meet the original owner.

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jeremycabler613 on Apr 8, 2013 said:

i like it is good car to ?

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77cordobaguy on Feb 19, 2014 said:

That is one beautiful Mopar The 1971-1974 Dodge Charger's are one of my all time favorite B body Mopars. My folks had a gunmetal gray, black top "73 Dodge Charger SE Brougham with black buckets with tweed inserts/318 slap stik auto trans.Nice boulevard cruiser, I miss that car.

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Anonymous on Feb 19, 2014 said:

Thanks Cordobaguy. You know, if you do own a 77 Cordoba, it is not that far removed from the 73 Charger your parents had.

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77cordobaguy on Feb 22, 2014 said:

Your car is fairly close to the color of dad's "73 SE. I was with my parents the day they bought the car brand new in April "73(they bought it off the show room floor at a long gone dealership called Pioneer Dodge in Murray Utah. It was purchased to replace a Forest green 73 Dodge Coronet Crestwood wagon that got wrecked on 01/17/73. That car was only 7 weeks old with 2083.7 miles on it. My dad hit black ice at night coming down out of the mountains 9 miles south of Paige Az. I'm just lucky we lived to buy the Charger. As for my Doba, it's as close as I'll get to the "73 SE. I'm just glad I found it.

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pat65cuda on Mar 12, 2016 said:

Always liked that color combination on that model.. Great condition also ...Bravo..

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racecarricky on Apr 23, 2016 said:


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jhar62 on Jul 15, 2020 said:

Beautiful car, I really like how the super bees looked that year.

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