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Chapter 15 - Arresting Developements and Mount Loretta 1996

Based On Nicks Life Story

Mickey Burns/Eli Wallach interview

Joe Spinell in "The Godfather" film

Mount Loretta where some of "The Godfather" scenes were filmed (1971)

~ Mickey Burns with NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly who recently retired from the Police Force ~ When I retired from the Department in 2003 I received a Retirement Certificate signed by Ray Kelly before his retirement and I hope to put a copy of that certificate as the very next photo first chance I get ~

~ I have dedicated myself for 10 years to the School Safety Agent job with the NYPD after I had retired from MetLife first ~ I am currently writing short story's as requested by my older daughter Donna and enjoying life with my wife and also taking those trips to Key West to visit my daughter Dina and her husband Mark ~ Hope you like what you see and read lol ~

~ Mickey Burns recently ate at the "Crazy Taco" Restaurant that is owned by Adam the second guy from the left side and Adam recently had another occurrence in his restaurant but shall be kept with only those who already know ~ All is well and great with this restaurant and the ratings are extremely wonderful so I hear ~ My wife and I can always be found at another restaurant called Port Bella and also owned by Adam, on every Thursday evening at table 41 ~

~ Fantastic restaurant owned by my friend called Adam ~ 2 for 1 dinners from Monday to Thursday every single week and you can find us there every Thursday at table 41 ~ The Head Waiter Jimmy is always very helpful and knows what drink we want and brings out my wife Elizabeth's coffee before she even ask's for it ~ Boy what service ~

~ Best Restaurant that I know of on Staten Island and as far away as Italy ~




Mount Loretta is one of those beautiful locations that can be found at the southern part of Staten Island's eastern shore line.......This location, amongst other things, contains a school that encompasses elementary class thru high school for orphaned children and sometimes troubled students; a church where in 1972 several important scenes from the "Godfather Film" were made and filmed, and a historic building located high on a hill by the shore line that I believe can be viewed by tourism after applying and making an appointment for such touring......

While working for the BOE/NYPD in 1996 I would be fortunate enough (or unfortunate depending on ones point of view) to be assigned to Mount Loretta for approximately one week........While at this assignment there would be three very important experiences that would occur during my tour of this location that will remain in my memory......At this autobiography segment I will attempt to "pick my brain" for the first two of those segments that occurred during the beginning of the week....[I will save the third segment for another chapter ~ For this new Chapter that has been written on January 4, 2017 click on this link ~ I should mention that some of the students that are attending classes at this or any school, like most of us, can sometimes be nervous about their surroundings and not feel comfortable as to what may otherwise be considered to be normal activities in life......

One of those troubled students would be a high school student that had at various times, been in trouble before with other instructors and was in a class room that was taught by a teacher that would later become (or already was) a "celebrity encounter".........This particular class room that was being instructed (by Mickey Burns) was for troubled students and apparently would become an ordeal for the instructor as it ended up with the student assaulting the teacher......

........Since I was working at that school during that time frame (one week) it became my job to have to arrest this student which I did.......I than had to arrange to have the student transported by a police car to a Staten Island Police Station (120 Pct) and did the booking of the student at that station.........On that particular day, without going into too much detail, I had to spend a lot of time with this arrest at this police station and I did my best and succeeded in having the student released and returned to his mom who was also at this police station waiting for her sons disposition.........It was getting late which meant the student would have to go upstate in a holding facility over night that I did not want to happen to him.........My reward for the students concerns was an appreciated hug from his mom after his release which certainly made me feel pretty good as a father myself.....

At that time we were still under the Board of Ed's jurisdiction .......In 1999 we became a part of the NYPD..........

Since that time, I later learned that Mr Burns (the instructor) was an interviewer of many different celebrities and I caught many of his shows on television........Co-incidentally, this past January (2011) Liz and I went to St. Martin by cruise ship and while on the ship and also in St. Martin I thought [but am not certain as 15 years have past] that I saw Mickey several times.......I never approached him as I felt it would be an awkward situation, under the circumstances, if it really turned out to be him......(if it wasn't him, he certainly has a double living somewhere out there in this wonderful planet of ours).......

I've also learned that he has a Facebook page and may send him a "friend" request at some future date. (note: the "friend" request has been sent tonight to Mickey Burns and I have received a positive reply from him)..........

Should you wish to see the Mount Loretta grounds, the "Godfather" clip and/or one of Mickey Burns' interviews (Eli Wallach) just click on any one of the video's below....

...Nick 5/26/11

The above url (Link) will take one to the Mickey Burns TV interview Show and browsing thru them will get one to see such celebrity interviews Like Joan Rivers, Ernest Borgnine, Eric Roberts and many, many others, but please keep in mind that since there are now approximately 400 interviews it may take quite a bit of scrolling to come to them lol ~

The above url (Link) will take one to Mickey Burns Wikipedia


It has been now over 5 years ago that I put this story to print and just a couple of weeks ago on Sunday September 18, 2016 my wife Elizabeth and I decided that we should go to the Snug Harbor 2016 Fence Art Show and as fate would have it I got to meet Mickey Burns again ~ I walked up to him, told him who I was and he remembered me when I gave him my name ~ Mickey and I spoke for a while and during our conversation he gave me a proposed secret happening for his profiles TV Show that I am sorry to say cannot be revealed at this time ~ When and if it does happen I will be the first to tell you about it too ~

During the Art Show, that I too exhibited with my art works many many years ago and someday I will take a photo of the newspaper clipping and show it here for all to see of that Art Show, I also got to meet the following Artist ~ The photo has been added and the newspaper date was September 9, 1968 ~

Gregory Perillo the famous Artist of Staten Island who has had so many of his accomplishments published in the Staten Island Advance Newspaper and I bought up the subject that I worked with his Police Officer Nephew Gabe at New Dorp High School ~ Perillo is now in his early 90s and introduced me to his younger wife of 63 years old ~ He confided in me that during his years of Art Work he was able to make and was proud of the fact that he made much ($$$) more than a famous Baseball player of todays times ~ See also his video below that makes reference to his Native American Paintings and at the end of that video makes further reference to other Perillo Videos too ~

Palma Mingozzi who later friended me on FaceBook ~ Palma had much of her beautiful Art Works at Table 5 and we discussed several of the other Artist at the Fence show too along with many other subjects ~

Although I saw Sarah Yuster at Table 15 she was so busy with the public that was viewing her Art Works that I decided it best not to interrupt her at that time ~ My wife was tempted to purchase some of her 'stuff' tho ~ Today on October 3, 2016 my wife and I went to Snug Harbor and noticed that there was a lot of 'happenings' by the building where wedding parties are held and when I asked one of the men that was unloading his truck if they where making a film he said no but they were setting up for a party. Anyway we went to the museum and while we were viewing some of the art work and paintings on the second floor I saw a beautiful painting that was done in two parts and the artist was none other than Sarah Yuster the young lady at Table 15 at the Art Show just a couple of weeks ago ~ Small world as they say lol ~ We latter went to a restaurant called 'Adobe Blue' not too far from Snug Harbor and were served by an interesting young lady that we shared many story's together ~ She was so interesting that I was compelled to give her this Chapter 15 for her reading as she said that although she had been to Snug Harbor she did not know of Mickey Burns ~

Denny Pizzini was a famous sculpture who also makes his own molds too and his work was phenomenal I must say ~ He was at Table 71 and it was he who introduced me to Perillo who was also admiring his work at that time ~

When we later went to the 'Blue Restaurant' just up the block for dinner I noticed Scott LaBaido's famous flag painted truck parked out side and after we went in and sat down there was Scott with some friends at another table ~ I met Scott in the past when he was preparing his 'Empty Chairs' memorial exhibit after the Sandy Storm and I might also mention that many years ago he sat behind my daughter in History Class at New Dorp High School ~

~ Nick 9/29/16

~ September 8, 1968 on Sunday was the date of my entry into the Snug Harbor Fence Art Show and sorry for the next side ways photo that I am keeping in this chapter only for the larger date shown on the newspaper lol ~ I do also recall that many of the public that passed my entry, were liking and buying much of my Art Work during that fence show ~ Someday I will add some of those works here too ~

~ September 8, 1968 on Sunday was the date of my entry into the Snug Harbor Fence Art Show

When we later went to the 'Blue Restaurant' just up the block for dinner I noticed Scott LoBaido's famous flag painted truck parked out side and after we went in and sat down there was Scott with some friends at another table

Scott LoBaido preparing for the night viewing of the 'Empty Chairs' Memorial just before the public would start to arrive ~ I had been there speaking to him during the earlier afternoon ~

~ Scott LoBaido's 'Empty Chairs' Memorial for the public's viewing at night ~

~ Mickey Burns may soon be collaborating with this guy ~

Video and audio clips

Baptism scene that was filmed at Mount Loretta's Church located on Staten Island and which originally contained my wifes Aunt Grace as an "extra actor" but unfortunately later ended on the cutting room floor....Family cousin Joe Spinell character actor can be seen in the barbers chair and other scenes including his shooting scene at the revolving door.....My wifes Uncle Gus can be seen going thru the revolving door during another scene...

Mount Loretta's Staten Island grounds that also includes views of their Church, where the "Godfather " video, shown separately and above, also contains filming from the "Baptism" scene.....

Mickey Burns/Eli Wallach interview

~ Gregory Perillo Famous Artist of Staten Island ~


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nickmon4321 on May 20, 2013 said:

Turn up your volume

Ever wonder how they did the music for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (with Clint Eastwood)? It is so cool to see how it was made after all these years. Some of you may not be old enough to remember this classic from the '60's. Turn it up nice and loud and enjoy. For those still caught in the '60s groove -- this is the answer to how that magnificent signature tune came about...Superb....wait till the guy whistles! THE UKULELE ORCHESTRA OF GREAT BRITAIN - THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY!

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nickmon4321 on Jul 9, 2014 said:

On 06/26/14, <> wrote:

It has been almost 20 years since this story occurred back in 1996.....In view of the recent passing of Eli Wallach RIP, I am greatly Honored to repeat the release of "Chapter 15 - Arresting Developments and Mount Loretta" that will show a video of this great actor who was interviewed by Mickey Burns the instructor at the 'Mount' back in 1996.....For your pleasurable and Memorial enjoyment I bring you the best of the best "Eli Wallach RIP".......Nick

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nickmon4321 on Jul 9, 2014 said:

From: vingallagher

To: nick

Sent: Fri, Jun 27, 2014 9:13 am

Subject: Re: Eli Wallach RIP

Thanks Nick I sent this off to my son John who knew Eli Wallach very well. Best Vin

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nickmon4321 on Jul 9, 2014 said:

From: nick

To: vingallagher

Sent: Fri, Jun 27, 2014 7:26 pm

Subject: Re: Eli Wallach RIP

Nice to hear from you Vinny......I'm also glad to hear that your son John is doing well and is out of the Hospital.....Hope he enjoys my Chapter 15 as much as I enjoyed writing it.........Mickey Burns has done over 300 interviews with different celebrities including Ernest Borgnine, Eric Roberts and as you know Eli Wallach........Clicking on the url at the bottom of this Chapter will get you to the many interviews Mickey has done with other actors too.......Regards Nick

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nickmon4321 on Oct 16, 2015 said:

Nick, absolutely amazing!!! I know I say this each and every time I read a new chapter..but it is so true...I am enjoying these so much...What a life!!!! glad you decided to make this blog/autobiography and generously share with all of us...the church is beautiful and learning about your friend Mickey Burns was so interesting...Wow , you did more at that school in a week than most in a lifetime...I certainly hope the young man had a good life after that, trouble free....thanks again and on to the next chapter...(really you should write a book) emoticon...Connie Asbury Evans

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nickmon4321 on Oct 17, 2015 said:

...Connie Asbury Evans thanks for your generous comment as written above as it is well appreciated...I Hope you don't mind but I have taken the liberty to copy that comment and have pasted it to the comments at the very end of this chapter...Thanks again...Nick

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nickmon4321 on May 3, 2016 said:

‎Nick Mondelli‎ to Ed Purfield 14 hrs · ~ Ed Purfield did you know that Fort Hamilton High School was the first school that I worked at in '92 after I retired from the Met ~ Small World isn't it ~ At that time they were adding a swimming Pool to that school too ~ I worked there for about 2 weeks as that was my training school ~ WOW !!! I will never forget it ~


Ed Purfield Nick, Interesting. You retired from Met at a young age as I did----about 56 or so? What type of work did you do after MetLife?

***************************************************** Nick Mondelli ~ I had a chance to go upstate with the Met or take a Buy Out ~ After going upstate to see what the offer was I decided to take the Buy Out ~ Since I was still too young to retire I got a job with the Board of Ed (BoE) working in their Security Division; and eventually the mayor being Rudy Giuliani at that time, made us a part of the Police Department, (NYPD) which gave us even more benefits that included BOE, NYPD and Union Benefits too ~ I did 37 years with the Met and 10 more years with the BoE and NYPD ~ How about you did you do anything after leaving the Met ? ~ One more interesting part of the job after Met was meeting a guy by the name of Mickey Burns who eventually got a job on TV ~ For that story click on this link ~

**************************************************** Mount Loretta 1996 Mount Loretta is one of those beautiful locations that can be found at the southern part of Staten… AMERICANTORQUE.COM ***************************************************** Ed Purfield Nick, Interesting. My cousin worked at Mt.Loretto for years in the office and retired from there. She was there when you were there. As far as me and MetLife. I went to United Healthcare for 2 years when Met and Travelers sold their health care business to United. I was in sales and account management and all I was doing was telling my accounts how good all the changes were going to be good for them. Being in sales , nobody was buying and moving their employee benefits to us with all the chaos going on. So new sales were non existent. I decided to retire and we moved to the Phoenix area. When I first retired I was getting calls from a mutual friend in LA who was working for a broker. He was calling to try to recruit me to work for them in the Phoenix area but I decided to stay retired.

********************************************************* Nick Mondelli ~ Ed Purfield I am about to copy all of this conversation between you and me and make it a comment in this Mount Loretta Chapter 15 that I sent to you ~ Hope you don't mind as you will now become immortalized in this story too ~ Lol and Goodnight~ I will soon be sending you other great story's in the future if you so wish ~

Nick Mondelli's photo.

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Azednjane on May 4, 2016 said:

Thanks Nick. Looking over this web page and the Goodfellas stuff reminds me of my first neighbor in my first home on StAten Island. The neighbor was the older brother of a now famous director. Got to know the guys parents and of course his older brother. His films included Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Goodfellas and many more.

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nickmon4321 on May 4, 2016 said:

~ There is now a "Goodfella's Pizzeria Restaurant on Staten Island, Means Streets had Harvey Kietel (spelling) as the actor and we all know Robert DiNero in Raging Bull ~ Do you remember the name of the director ? ~ And what does Azednjane represent ? ~ This isn't Ed Purfield is it ?

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Azednjane on May 4, 2016 said:

Nick, The director is Martin Scorsese and his older brother who was my next door neighbor back Then was Frank Scorsese. Yes, the azednjane is me. Jane is my wife. Frank is till on Staten Is And , I think but not in the house where I first met him.

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nickmon4321 on May 5, 2016 said:

~ Ed, "Scorsese Wow" he is one of the best directors around ~ You should read his wikipedia as it is amazing ~When I first read your comment I thought that it might have been Scorsese that you were talking about from the films you mentioned but I thought to myself, no can't be ~ When I saw the letters 'ed' in your Azednjane I thought it might have been you too ~ Now I can see what your code name represents as 'Az' is probably Arizona and 'jane' is probably your wife's name ~ I will attempt to put a link in this comment that was about my good friend "Joe Campagnola" whom you probably will remember when you were still working at the Met in NYC ~

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Azednjane on May 6, 2016 said:

Nick,I remember Joe Campagnola--- he lived a few blocks from me on Staten Island. We would ride the Staten Island Railroad to the ferry often on the way to Met. Ed

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nickmon4321 on May 6, 2016 said:

~ Thanks Ed Purfield as I thought you would remember him ~ He was a good friend and if you clinked on the link you now also know about his brother Gino who became the President of the Canadian Paramount back in the day ~

On another subject if your interested in Auto's you can become a member of this website that is like an Auto Club for interested people and it is free to join too ~ I joined several years ago when I sent them a picture of my Dad's '49 Custom Chevy that I designed back in the mid '50s ~ The club liked it so much that they not only wanted the pictures but also wanted the story about Eddie Fisher ~ If you click on the picture of that Chevy or my profile "nickmon4321"it should take you to a bunch of photo's that are all Chapter's that I wrote as a request from my daughter ~ Than click on any picture that you see and you will be able to read that story too ~ Happy hunting ~ lol ~ Nick

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nickmon4321 on Dec 5, 2016 said:

~ It is sad to hear that a neighbor of mine and retired NYPD School Safety Agent JoAnn Carlotta passed away this morning in her home ~ I was there with the other neighbors outside her home waiting to hear of her condition ~ There were many Ambulances, Police Cars and Fire Engines there too ~ I had worked with JoAnn at several different schools during my 10 year employment with the Board of Ed/NYPD ~ JoAnn's son recently died and that leaves her daughter and Ex-Husband Sal still living ~ May she RIP and meet her son in Heaven ~ God Bless the both of them ~

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nickmon4321 on Jun 25, 2017 said:

on Jun 10, 2017 said: ~ Adam Thanks for accepting my little notification paper with the url and the number that will get you to this point ~ It was nice talking to you and discussing with my wife and I my friend and your friend too Mickey Burns ~ As you can see, Mickey and I go a little ways back from what you read in this story line ~ Should you like this story please give me a 'like', a thumps up, and also a comment too ~ Thanks again Nick ~ P S Adam I did not receive your email with Mickey's picture ~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

~ Adam From Crazy Taco and Porta Bella - 6/6/17 ~ Fred Scales - 6/25/17 ~

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nickmon4321 on Dec 7, 2017 said:

~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

~ Robert Rottenberg - 6/28/17 ~ Patricia - FB Songs Website - 11/20/17 ~ Jenny Lundqvist - Vintage Website - 12/7/17 ~

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