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Chapter 18 - (Part 1) M.G. - Key West Florida


Does this great ship belong to Dina and Mark....?.....Well you'll have to wait and see next time you visit Key West, Florida

Earthquake or hurricane, nothing will keep us from Key West, Florida

Uva - 519 Fleming Street - One small block away from the World famous Duval Street.....


Memory Lane Based on Nick's Life Story

-- M.G.- son-in-law 8/19/11

Move to Key West Florida

........On Friday morning at approximately 7:30 a.m. on August 19, 2011 my son-in-law Mark G. drove to Key West Florida from my Staten Island home to start his new job on Monday morning in Key West, Florida..........On Sunday he was able to purchase a new moped in Key West to use for his travels to work from his temporary living quarters in the Keys.........Yesterday morning [Monday 8/22/11] was his first day on the job.........and....... he is about to meet his new lady friend "Irene" in several days............

[Note: as I am writing this segment my house is shaking very badly as a 5.8 earthquake is presently happening in the state of Virginia]...........

........See link below to view 'Irenes' lady curves as a "weather" welcoming committee.........[to be continued]

Nick Tuesday 8/23/11

[Continued Wednesday 8/24/11]...........I quote from Dave Letterman, "earthquake center has been discovered to be in Kim Kardashians' bedroom and NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg has been found standing under his desk during this 5.9 earthquake"..........This is what I get for watching Dave's late night talk show last night..........Just goes to show you how New Yorkers and the rest of the country are able to stand up to all kinds of crisis in the wake of/and including earthquakes and hurricanes..........

...........The good news and according to Mark G. the hurricane is expected to pass away from Key West......Thank God........and as we all know now, by current news reports, earthquake damage appears to be minimal thruout the metropolitan area...........

Below in addition to the latest hurricane 'Irene' update, are some of "your comments" and concerns for your viewing: ..............[to be continued]

Nick wednesday 8/24/11

[Continued Friday 8/26/11].............Earthquake appears to have passed without any after shocks at this time........However, I have been warned that sometimes after shocks can occur weeks after the original quake............

.........More good news coming from Mark G. is that hurricane Irene has had very little effect in Key West, Florida, with the exception of minor rain fall.......As we all know at this time the hurricane is currently heading up the eastern coast line and is expected to reach the New York, New Jersey and Long Island metropolitan areas possibly as early as Saturday evening, depending on the various weather reports distributed thru out this area...........

Stay well [and thirst my friends] ......and hang on to the seat of your pants......[Ironically, I just read in the local newspaper that the big horse race in up state Saratoga Springs, NY, on Thursday of last week, was won by a horse named ..."Stay Thirsty"]................From reports that I have heard, the last big hurricane to pass this area like this current one [Irene] was in 1986 and was called Gloria......If I recall correctly that was when I lost a back yard tree without too much damage but I expect 'Irenes' wrath not to be as kind.........lets hope and pray for the best...........The big question is do we stay and hang on tight or do we evacuate?................[to be continued....]

[Continued Saturday 8/27/11.............Mark G. is fine and well in Key West Florida but we in New York [Elizabeth, Dina and myself] will evacuate..........[hopefully to be continued] ....over and out ..............Nick Saturday 8/27/11

Below is the latest hurricane 'Irene' updates.............

"Powerful Hurricane 'Irene' Strengthens, Aims For USA"

Article: 8/23/11

Article: 8/24/11

Articule: 8/26/11

Articule: 8/29/11

From: M G mark

To: Nick

Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 4:51 pm

I think so, also. I am honored to make the pages of the autobiography.

From: M G mark

To: Nick

Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 12:08 pm

Hi Nick--that is funny! Ironic that the hurricane is not going to hit the Keys, but you get an earthquake. It would be safer for you to own here. We have an extra bed for you! .......mark g. 8/23/11

From: Nick

To: Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:51 PM

...........Mark......As one old time hollywood star used to say [can't think of his name right now as the earthquake has rattled my nerves]......... "ho ho, hey hey, strange things are happening" [Red Buttons, I just remembered his name].........Looks like you got out of NYC just in time.........

........You deserve recognition in this auto biography.......and thanks Mark for the Key West room.......When the dust settles and all goes as planned we will visit in early 2012........Till than hold tight.......Nick.........

Hi Nick. The weather down here is perfect. 84 degrees with a slight breeze. I think Key West would be a good place to evacuate to. You and mother in law can always share an air mattress with me and Dina should worst come to worst...............Mark G. 8/26/11

Sent from my iPhone

From: John R

To: Mark

Sent: 8/26/2011 8:39:02 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time

Go west young man. I have a room with Maid service Screw the weather

In a message dated 8/23/2011 3:41:45 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, Nick writes:

John......Now that I know how earthquakes in California feel, ask Ed F. and Allen L. if that 1972 job is still open.......[joking]......Nick From: John R

To: Nick

Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 3:27 pm

Sorry they are no longer interviewing You can work with me. I need a good manager JR

In a message dated 8/23/2011 3:41:45 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, Nick writes:

John.......If you want a good manager to work with, you don't want me.........We would have too many laughs together.........Nick.....8/26/11

From: John R.

To: Nick

Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 11:33 am

I know the feeling Trust all is well From my office in Glendale

From: Nick

To: Donna

Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 2:35 pm

.......Hi Donna........I'll send you a copy of Marks' reply so that he can answer your "okay" question himself after I receive all reply's from family and friends....Dad

From: Donna

To: Nick

Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 11:23 am



From: dbruno To: Nick Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 3:17 pm

I felt it too.............I had just sat down in the den to watch some news and as I was feeling some movement & was kind of dizzy , I heard the news of the earth quake , then my neighbor called and said her house was moving and did I feel it too........I explained to her that I just saw the news regarding an earth quake........... Now we will await "Irene" Hope your son-in-law makes out okay, keep me posted......... Dora

From: Nick

To: dbruno

Sent: Wed, Aug 24, 2011 4:48 am

Dora........I felt that same dizzyness effect and so did many other people I spoke to after the earthquake hit the metropolitan area....... I will keep you posted with the hurricane in Florida and the up coming move to Key West........currently my daughter and her pug Harley are still temporarily living with my wife and I in our Staten Island home...............Nick......8/24/11

From: Mark G


Cc: Vito; Nick; donna; mark; Liz; Aunt Angie; roseann; dbruno; jfr915; eric; dean; lee

Sent: Sat, Aug 27, 2011 9:26 am

Vito. I feel good knowing my wife is safe on high ground in New Jersey. I would feel better if you were here with me. I need a pro to show me how to properly drink all this booze

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 27, 2011, at 1:19 PM, "DINA wrote:

Uncle vito, Would u believe that stinker is down there having a grand ol time while Im up here stuck in this storm without alcohol!!!! Can I borrow some of yours? Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Mark G.


Cc: nick; DINA; Donna; mdella; liz; angela; roseann; dbruno; jfr915; eric; dean; lee

Sent: Sat, Aug 27, 2011 9:11 am

Do not worry Vito. There is a way to ferment rain and sea water. That should hold you over

Sent from my iPhone

From: VITO To: marky; nick Cc: DINA; Donna; mdella; liz; angela; roseann; dbruno; jfr915; eric; dean; lee Sent: Sat, Aug 27, 2011 8:25 am

I'm not worried about the storm. My concern is i'm running out of BEER! Have a good time down there Mark but not too good a time, otherwise, my "little niece" dina will kick your a** ! CC: dina; dondella; mdella; liz; vito; angela; roseann; dbruno; jfr915; eric; dean; lee

From: marky

Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 11:07:43 -0400 To: nick

If anyone needs dry ground, there is still vacancy down In Key West and there is plenty of beer Be safe

Sent from my iPhone

From: Angela R To: NICK Sent: Sat, Aug 27, 2011 7:24 am

I see your son in law has a sense of humor. Pretty funny guy

From: Mark G.

To: nick

Cc: "dina; "dondella; "mdella; "lizmon; "vito;angela; "roseann; "dbruno; "jfr915; "eric; "dean; "lee

Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 11:07 AM

If anyone needs dry ground, there is still vacancy down In key west and there is plenty of beer Be safe

From: nick To: roseann; dondella; mdella; d_mon; marky; liz; vito; angela; dbruno; jfr915; eric; dean; lee Sent: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 9:10 am

Hi Roseann..........All Jersey residents by the shore lines had to evacuate........All others were dependent on their low lying areas and the after surge expectations.......After evacuating to my daughters home in New Jersey on Saturday at about 12 am midnight her home electric power went out and that created the sump pump to stop working which created a flooded basement....I woke up at about 3pm to find my two daughters her husband Mark D. and their two sons bringing all the basement furniture up to the first floor......

Fortunately the electric power at my home in Staten Island was not lost so my sump pump kept working and there was no flooding in my basement.......I sort of felt guilty when I had to leave their home in their predicament to go back to Staten Island to check out the condition of my home, but Mark D. had called the "flood guys" at 4 am and found a live person [not a recording] and was able to have them come to clean and dry out the flooded basement on Monday morning.........Nick

From: Roseann

To: Nick

Sent: Sat, Aug 27, 2011 11:22 pm


From: Nick

To: Roseann

Sent: Wed, Aug 24, 2011 4:56 am

Roseann...........New Yorkers do everything backwards like, "roll, rattle and shake"..................Nick......8/24/11

From: Roseann

To: Nick

Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 11:38 pm

Nick, I saw a news video showing everyone evacuating buildings. I cracked up cause out here we never evacuate. I guess you guys back east are just not used to "shake, rattle and roll." 8/23/11 Nick, I viewed a map of possible evacuation sites, and the areas, which are called area A. It appears that Staten Island has a lot of area A's. What towns are being evacuated, and will it affect New Dorp? Roseann 8/27/11

Rose.......I always considered my neighborhood to be high grounds and far enough away from Hylan Blvd but the surge [according to the local news paper] would come in from all shore lines of Staten Island and the low lying area of St Andrews Church which is behind me off Snake Hill and from Richmond Avenue........We are evacuating and going to New Jersey.........Nick.......8/27/11

For those old timers from the doo wop era I take great pleasure in adding theses songs for your listening enjoyment............Nick .....Come softly to me ......late '50s .....I only have eyes for you.....late '50s ......'Pledging my love'...Johnny Ace

Video and audio clips

HEMINGWAY - Need I say more.......

90 miles from Cuba - Southern most point in the USA

The wonderful 'Keys' from Miami to Key West


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nickmon4321 on May 11, 2013 said:

On May 11, 2013, at 11:22 AM, nick wrote:

You may or may not remember the date of August 19, 2011.!!!!......

That was the date of New York's earthquake tremors, Hurricane Irene's trip up the eastern coast line and Mark G's famous drive down to Key West Florida from my Staten Island home.....You'll remember, as most of you had famous lines and comments to encourage Mark to a safe trip down to his destination.....Well he has arrived safely at the 'Keys' and Dina has followed at a later date (it's been almost two years now) and they both live at the 'Keys' at the present time.....My wife and I have both visited them and spent a part of two winters at their home in Key West, Florida and I must say its a marvelous destination for us to visit and to just get away from our Northern Winters....

Just to joggle our Memories the following link will remind you of that famous date, the comments you had made in Chapter 18 and that has very recently been added to American Torques website......Hope you enjoy it and get a further kick out of your comments back at that time....In the event that you hadn't posted a comment and/or 'Like' back than, it still is not too late to do so now at the very end of this Chapter...(Even if you had already posted a comment in the past)...

And to all my family and friends have a GREAT MOTHERS DAY tomorrow and drive safely, too........

Thanks for your encouragement and fun comments.........Nick .....May 11, 2013......

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nickmon4321 on May 11, 2013 said:

From: Angela

To: nick

Sent: Sat, May 11, 2013 11:43 am

Subject: Re: August 19, 2011

Hi nick, that was a very interesting email, Deana and hubby look very happy. First picture I ever saw of them. great place to live and visit.

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nickmon4321 on May 12, 2013 said:

From: JFR

To: nick

Sent: Sat, May 11, 2013 2:09 pm

Happy Mothers Day to Liz Have a great day

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nickmon4321 on Feb 7, 2015 said:

It appears that Mel Brooks's 2000 year old man has arrived in Key West, Florida only difference is that his real name is Mel Fisher (RIP) who is the man and company that several years ago located the Spainish Wreck at the bottom of the sea here in the Key West waters that has been estimated to be worth approximately Half a Billion Dollars.. The 2000 year old man is me as I have purchased an Isralie coin with that age encircled with some of the gold found in these waters from the Wreck Ship from Spain...The purchase is a gift for Elizabeth's Birthday...Happy Birthday to you Elizabeth....

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Anonymous on Mar 6, 2018 said:

Nick passed away on Christmas Eve, 2017. He was a beautiful man with a great big heart. His family adored him and it would be hard to find anyone to say something unkind about him. He lived a wonderful life and these stories are a testimony to his time with us. We will all miss him and hope to be together again someday Nick, you were the best. Thanks for welcoming me into your family Mark G

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Brandon on Mar 11, 2018 said:

RIP Nick, we will all miss you.

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