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Chapter 28 - ANGELO - June 2014

D Day - Normandy, France - Art Work Memorial

Angela Caputo Ries

May 30 at 5:16pm · Edited ·

Well... tomorrow my son Angelo will travel to Paris, France and then on to Normandy for 10 days.

He was chosen for his artistic talent, and was invited by the French to paint a Mural for Peace, along with a friend Alana LaPreziosa, 10 Friends Academy students, 12 German students and 12 French. He will be there for the week-long celebration of the 70th Anniversary Celebration of D-Day and to honor the WWII Veterans. President Obama will be there, and we are working on getting tickets so they can attend.

I am so proud and honored that he will be a part of this historical moment in history.

Thanks to a special woman, Kay Weninger, who made this all possible, my son gets the chance to go on a trip of a lifetime. I want to keep this short, so if you have time, please go on to the website: to read about all this woman has done, especially for the Locust Valley Community. I thank her from the bottom of my heart!

I'll miss you Ange Be safe I love you!

.......To be continued.!!!

Angela Caputo Ries

3 hrs · Edited ·

Today marks the 70th Anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944, the Celebration takes place in France today. Watch on channel 23 CNN will televise it, and my son Angelo is there attending.

Never forget our Veterans!

.......To be continued.!!!

In recognition and to commemorate D Day - Normandy, France scroll through this link and click on each photo:

Shared on Facebook by Angela Caputa Ries - Grabbin a bite to eat. He looks happy. Ya think he misses me?

Angelo about to have some quick nourishment after a long flight to Normandy, France on June 6, 2014.

President Obama to meet World War ll Veterans in Normandy, France today , June 6. 2014

Shared on Facebook by Angela Caputo Ries and with Uncle Nick's comment shown below

Here's the Mural the French, German and American students painted. Ange just told me they presented it today at Utah Beach, France. — with Michael Ries Sr. and Angela Caputo Ries

Shared on Facebook by Angela Caputa Ries - Cemetary and The Original flag that was put up on the Morning of June 6th when they were liberated.

Shared on Facebook by Angela Caputa Ries - This is the Mural they painted and a video of the presentation. Angelo is in a yellow t-shirt..Click the following for more photos and video(s)..

A Memorial for those that did not make it home.!!!

Video and audio clips

D Day - Normandy France Invasion - June 6, 1944

~ " Saving Private Ryan " full Movie for Angelo's Birthday so that he understands the reality to Normandy Beach ~


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nickmon4321 on Jun 7, 2014 said:

Nick Mondelli .....By chance I happened to meet a veteran named 'Joe' at the Staten Island Mall today that was 91 years old, was wearing a veterans cap and was at Normandy and Bastille.......We exchanged many interesting war stories together including Angelo's current adventure and Max Ries' (RIP) North Korean train incident....Very interesting man....We shook hands after about an hour of talk.....I hope that some day I will again bump into him.......Uncle Nick

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nickmon4321 on Jun 12, 2014 said:

Angela Mondelli Ries.....Our grand kids are world travelers. My Adam went to Italy, Mikey went around the world, Derek tour the USA when he was with his band 'Push Play'and now Angelo is in France for DDay to do some artwork to honor the day! And here we r sitting at the center. :-))

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nickmon4321 on Jun 12, 2014 said:

......Just gotta luv it all.!!!

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nickmon4321 on May 13, 2015 said:

Thanks John for a very interesting story about your Dad during World War ll...I'm going to attempt to add this story and link as a comment in Chapter 28 that also concerns my nephew Angelo who went to Normandy for some Art Work during a recent anniversary of this occasion....Nick

Link...... [url]

-----Original Message----- From: John To: nick Sent: Tue, May 12, 2015 3:38 pm Subject: Re: Interesting pictures that compare then and now.

No, however I have pictures of my Dad in one of those trucks. The trucks were full of Gasoline five gallon cans. He had a partner named Chuck that was killed during this invasion. Of course this occurred later on. My Father jumped from the truck before it was hit by a shell. This is how he was wounded with shrapnel and His Buddies Dog tags were all that was left... Thank you for sending this to me...

-----Original Message----- From: Nick To: John Sent: Tue, May 12, 2015 11:20 am Subject: Re: Interesting pictures that compare then and now.

...Did you recognize any of them as being your Dad....?

-----Original Message----- From: John To: nick

Sent: Tue, May 12, 2015 1:47 pm Subject: Re: Fwd: Interesting pictures that compare then and now.

My Father was one of the truck drivers in the picture of Omaha Beach-----Original Message-----From:

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nickmon4321 on May 13, 2015 said:

...This is the link that will take one to the Normandy Invasion of World War ll that includes the Omaha Beach scene where John Rap's Dad drove a truck as posted in the story just above this comment....

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nickmon4321 on May 5, 2017 said:

~ Happy Birthday Angelo and this Chapter 28 just now became your Birthday Present again from your Mom Angela and your Uncle Nick ~ Hope that you enjoy it one more time once ~ lol

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nickmon4321 on Jun 27, 2017 said:

~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

~ Robert Tanner - Hollywood Website - 6/27/17 ~

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