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Jeff & Maries 1966 Lemans OHC 6 w/SPRINT


New for 1966 Pontiacs All New Over Head Cam Engine.

First’s Achieved by PMD with the OHC engine;

First US Passenger Car Production 6 cyl with OHC design.

First Belt Driven Camshaft on an American engine.

This LeMans has the optional Sports Package / SPRINT OPTION This factory installed option, Dealer code #332. With a base price around $125.00 included the following: 230 cid L-6 overhead cam engine with a 3.875 Bore & 3.250 stroke. Rated at 207 Horsepower @5200 RPM and 10.5:1 compression. Specially designed head, Intake & exhaust manifolds as well as a 650 cfm 4bbl Rochester Quadra-jet Carburetor with the exhaust piped out a 2.25 inch system with special muffler and resonator. Available on all Tempest & Lemans models, Exc. SW.

The package also included standard 3 speed manual transmission with optional automatic or 4 speed transmissions. Specific axle gear ratios and Heavy duty suspension, with most parts borrowed from the GTO.

Exterior treatment consisted of OHC/Sprint 6 fender badges and body side tri-striping available in Red, Black or White. Or you could order Stripe Delete.

OHC development started at the end of 1961 in hopes to start production in 1964. John Z. Delorean and the Pontiac design team made several prototypes before 1966, look up 1964 Pontiac Banshee.

1967 Pontiac introduced the all new Firebirds with OHC,

1967 also offered the 4bbl OHC engine option on wagons, Not listed as a Sprint/sports package.

1968 brought the release of a newly re-designed 250 cid engine.

1969 was the last year for the OHC engine.

FIRST YEAR 1966 PONTIAC OVERHEAD CAM 6 WITH SPRINT / SPORTS OPTION. 230 C/i, 207 Hp, 10.5:1 CR and the 4MV Rochester Quadrajet Carburetor.


Driving season is upon us, LETS ROLL!

First picture after restoration. Our backyard Long Branch, NJ c1995.



Heading to NORWALK for the Pontiac Nationals & the Overhead Cammer Reunion.

Still awestruck with the Cammer Reunion attendance at the Pontiac Nationals Norwalk Ohio.

Suttle Changes and additions over the years;



Hard to believe it's December already. STAY WARM ;-)

Happy New Year, WOW 2016.

Never thought I would/could keep any car as long as this one.

I guess it is part of the family ;-)

Our 1st snow has come and gone but still patiently await warmer weather. A page from Pontiac's 1966 sales brochure is where I want to be :-)

OK, The dandelions have popped, so I think it's time to back it out :-)



Showing off at the Suffolk Olden Days Festival 2016. After the show we realized we haven't been out to this show since 2003.

Smithfield 2003: Funny thing is we were parked in almost the same location. Right across the street from the Smithfield Inn. Nice to able to have a great Lunch and sit on the porch afterwards and do some people watching :-)

Porch View; 2003 Smithfield Inn.

Getting ready for the annual neighborhood parade and just wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July.

Wow, can't believe it's August already. Man time fly's.

Hope you all are having good cruising weather!

It's been cooling down a bit but we were hitting the triple digits a few weeks back, Thankfully the O'l Cammer hasn't let me down and has been running well in our lovely high humidity summer. Just patiently waiting for the cooler months ahead.


Took in one last Charity Show with my Daughter before she had to head back to College. Took an award in the "Antique" class, Now that's something I never thought I would say :-)

Reflecting on another show season slowly winding down. This Oct 14, 15 & 16 we're heading down the Henderson NC for the East Coast Drag Times Reunion weekend. Always a good event.

Well the East Coast Drag Times Reunion Show has come and gone and was as always a blast. Ricks induction is now forever part of recorded history of the future hall of fame museum. The show was almost a mile of a truly amazing assembly of mixed models and makes, a little something for everyone.

Here's a link to some show cars;

We attended this years event to be part of Ricks induction and the show was a great way to get good parking ;) With only one class per make, winning never crossed my mind.

Well Fridays mail contained a package with something that truly came as a surprise. I for one would have, could have, chosen so many other worthy candidates for this award. With that said we are honored to be recognized with this. Not bad for our 21 year old restoration! What a way to close out this years car season.

Cheers and see you soon...

Well another year rapidly coming to a close, and what a year it has been. The Ol '66 is safe, sound and resting but NOT sleeping ;) See you in the NEW YEAR.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! WE made it :-) Spent the night in Virginia Beach Town Center with the family and Smash Mouth on stage, my ears are still ringing in the new year. Had a Blast. Cheers!

Hard to believe this time last year we were dealing with snow. Its been a truly mild January. Not sure if I should be concerned with what February has offer, Can't trust Mother Nature ;)

SO, I figured it was time for some "early" Spring Cleaning. As with any of these old cars one thing always leads to another... ...I trust everyone is ready or at least getting ready for some Drive Time. Flowers are popping like crazy here and I'm getting antsy :D

This weather sure has been testing us. With several 70 degree days in late Feb early Mar. Then some below 30 days at the end of March. Last night the area took a hit with Heavy Rain, Hail & Tornadoes. But we made it. April 1st 2017 Spring Dust Off. The season has officially begun! A nice 60 degree Saturday and lets hope Mother Nature will be nice from here out :-)

Going through old image files and came across this image from one of the first shows we attended in Virginia Beach. Moved down here in '96 and kept the '66 stored in N.J. while patiently waiting to get it down here. Once here I couldn't get it out fast enough;) c1997 Boardwalk Show, to think it's been 20 years. Summers approaching quickly are you ready?

I hope everyone has their classics out of hibernation by now.

Our weather has been very unpredictable, but we still have managed to get some cruising in, and today is the official start of our Hurricane season, Oh JOY :-)


Hey Hey hope everyone has been out cruising and putting on some miles. Just realized another month has past and in less then 2 weeks I'll be heading down to Texas to meet up with an old friend and a 1963 Tempest I re-assembled almost 4 years ago. Looking forward to catching up with old friends, and driving the Tempest Torque 194 c/i "Rope-shaft"

Have a great & Happy fourth of July.

Well The POCI Convention has come & gone. It was great to see my good friend and the Ol '63 Little Indian. We had a blast while clocking 300+ miles on the Tempest.

The overall show was fun but we never built this car as a shower, more of a go'er. We drove her in all directions around the Texas Motor Speedway and she never missed a beat and it was HOT.

Cruising her best in the 60/70mph range all the while running with the (65-4 AC) system full on ;-)

To top it all off we (She) were honored with a, Most Outstanding in Class award!

Good Times for sure!

Hey gang! Hope all are well and having a good summer. Our's like this, Urban Camouflage has been a colorful one weather wise. Gratefully we have been getting in some drive time in between those events. Our Cruise-In weather is really just beginning so we should still get lots of wheel time. Be Safe & Drive the wheels off it!

Boy has time just been zipping by. Harvest time has come and gone, but October weather is fantastic for cruisin and our show schedule usually runs right up into Nov. Cruise On! and be Safe.

Well gang our 2017 Cruise-In has officially ended, See you in 2018! Now I guess I just have to drive around aimlessly ;)


Hey Gang Happy 2018, yea I know. Anyhow thought I would open with an updated Window Card/Sticker. Found a "close enough" version on line to simulate the factory one. This is a '65 window sticker but very close to the correct '66. I've updated the options list to reflect any/all factory/dealer correct additions.


Well as things go, I wasn't able to get everything wrapped up in time for the 14Th annual Spring Dust Off show :-( but with over 16 years of almost trouble free enjoyment I'll just suck it up and wait.


My little project took longer then planned but glad to be getting it all back together.

Night out with the Clan.

Happy to report all systems are behaving since the rebuild. It's been overly hot here but it is great to be out and about! Cheers & Have a Great 4th!

Update on the Time-Machine; All's well and enjoying getting it out & about!

WOW 1000 THUMBS UP! Thanks to all who stopped in to have a look. Cheers!

Finally some cool cruisin weather has arrived :-)

Heading out for a Little Cars & Coffee.

It's not about the Destination, It's about the Journey :-)

Well it looks like the end of the 2018 season, we had the last Cars & Coffee meet 12/1 and that's make it a wrap for me. Now I will address my TO-DO list in preparation for the 2019 POCI convention. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all!

We're still here, just hiding from the cold ;-) COME ON WARMER WEATHER!

Hey Gang, It's been getting warm but still not more then a day or so then right back down :) so in the meantime how about a look back. One of the first shows we attended here in VA BCH, on the Boardwalk c1997

Our official cruising season begins with the annual SPRING DUST OFF Show, anyone who has been here in the Virginia Beach area during spring know all about the DUST ;) Been prepping the '66 and getting it out once in awhile, Hopefully the weather will cooperate for this years event. In the meantime heres another Flashback picture. c2006 IIRC this was the last show for the Pontiac in the Park event that was held at VMP. That event started out good but fell flat in short order, but we always enjoyed it!

As seen in Pontiac Enthusiast Magazine...

Same Year & Location of the photo shoot for Smoke Signals Magazine.

Don Keefe was the editor/photographer at that time and took some great shots of the '66.

Well no snow or rain at this years annual Dust Off Show, but man was it hot.

Is everyone ready for SUMMER?...

Keeping Cool on the Hampton River!

Man O Man has it been HOT! Hope everyone is getting their Rides out regardless.

Stay COOL ;-)

Having a Cool time in the Hot sun at the 2019 POCI Convention, Gettysburg PA.

Another Scorcher at the 2019 Khedive Shriner's Auto Show!

Received the official award from POCI Gettysburg and we were very pleased to place with a STOCK GOLD. This was truly unexpected since we haven't shown her in a points judged event since 2005 where we received our first STOCK GOLD. So with the restoration now being 24 years old, we didn't think she would place higher then SILVER. It's rewarding to have your hard work recognized and encourage anyone up to their eyeballs in a project to stick with it!


Spending a crisp fall afternoon at the SAJO Farm Classic.

Chillin on the river, while sitting out on the patio of the Legend Brewing Depot in Old Town section of Portsmouth. Perfect weather, tasty beverage and great sounds coming from the Naval Shipyard. AMERICA!

Weather hasn't been the greatest so haven't had it out in a while :-(

Come on Spring!

Had to take a sanity cruise just to exercise the '66 can't stand staring at it sitting in the garage on a sunny day. I hope you all are faring well during this crazy time. Hang in there and stay safe. 4/4/2020

Nothing like an early morning cruise to nowhere. Get them out and on the road if you can! Cheers.

FLASHBACK 1996, Raceway Park Englishtown New Jersey. This is one of our last shows before moving to Virginia Beach.

Be still my heart, We finally found an event that wasn't canceled! So we set out to attend the 2020 OBX Rod & Custom Festival. We headed down on Saturday, Oct 10th, and had a great day, Put some long-needed miles on the Ol Cammer and embraced the much-needed car-therapy. Good Time for sure!

I always get a kick out of some folks reactions when the hood is lifted :-)

I call this picture, The WTH is that look? ;-)

The leaves have been rapidly turning and are almost all but gone.

Needed some Car Therapy so we took a run up and down the Colonial Parkway.

Be Safe & Happy Thanksgiving!

Been cleaning things up a bit and looking for ways to store/carry a good balance of on-the-road service tools, but hate clutter.

I think this works well.

Compact and clean. Best of all if I attend a show I don't have to remove a ton of stuff from the trunk ;-)

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you all. Hang in there 2020 is almost over!

See you in 2021!



If we could only turn back the clock ;-)

Another Great weekend weather report! Way too nice to stay in the garage. Drive'em if you can!

Soaking up some Winter Sun.


COOL! A sneak peek ;-)


What a long strange trip it's been...

The locals are slowly coming around and it was great to attend the Annual Spring Dust Off Show.

I'm just going to pretend 2020 didn't happen.

Hope you all are safe and able to resume some normal activities.

What a great way to start the season as we slowly slip back into normal, Getem Out GanG!!

WOW, 1800 Thumbs-up! I'm honored. THANKS to all who stopped over on my page.


In reference to the recent Decal Post! :-)

On the Sunny Side, Summer is definitely here!

Stay Cool!

30th Annual Ames Performance Pontiac Nationals and our show within a show. The 2021 Cammers Reunion. What a great time meeting back up with club members. Good Times!!

The car show portion at the Ames Pontiac Nationals was overwhelming, to say the least. There are a few Tube Videos showing some of the highlights if you weren't able to attend. It was said that they actually had to turn some away due to running out of space.

I have been to this event 4 times over the years but this was the first time I actually entered into the car show.

The Stock (SP) Tempest/Lemans class covered 1964-1981. I was honored to be among 3 of the 8 Cammer Club Members who took home some bling.

Even in the rain she still shines through ;-) It was great to be back at the Khedive Shriner's 29th Annual charity show. This show has become our local tradition since our first in 1998. Good Times!

Just returning from Texas. I had to go over and help lay one of my best friends to rest. Tony was a Fellow Pontiacer who I've known for over 26 years. He was always up for a trip if it was Pontiac-based. I will truly miss him. R.I.P. Brother.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, from the 2021 Trunk or Treat! ;-)

Well, that's a wrap. Another car season comes to end :-( See you soon!

So it seems the Local C & C sponsor has my LeMANS on their homepage and it's been there all summer long. Well, I'm still waiting for my FREE COFFEEs ;-)

See you soon!

Can't believe my baby girl is turning 25. I am so proud and happy, but a little sad as well.


FLASHBACK FRIDAY. Here's an old shot showing the Ol' LeMANS stowed behind the garage. This would be sometime in late '87. My better half had been using it for about a year as a daily driver back and forth from our house to the Longbranch train station. The engine started showing signs of age-related issues so we took it out of service.

Great day for some Cartherapy!

SEASON OPENER (Spring Dust-Off Show) APPROACHES; Hope you all are ready or getting ready for some car time!

Let The Games Begin! :-)

Looks like another good season ahead! Making plans to attend the AMES PONTIAC NATIONAL again this year. Lost one of my Best Friends after returning from last years event so this ones for him!!

Great Morning for some Cars & Coffee, Hope you all have a great 4th!

It was great to see so many come out for our annual neighborhood 4th of July parade, starting to feel like old times again :-)

Man, it has been so hot, It's become Cars & ICE Coffee ;-) STAY COOL!


Sunbathing in NORWALK OH. ;-)

Had a tire go out while in Norwalk so went looking for some new shoes. Found a great deal on Uniroyal Tiger-Paws and decided old-school white walls out :-)

I'm really Diggin my new Tiger Paws :-)

The weekend weather is going to be amazing, so we'll be heading down to Elizabeth City NC for the Pontiacs of Coastal Virginia Show tomorrow to show off our new Paws ;-) See you There!

KARMA: This is what I get for always Bitching about all the RED cars at shows ;-)

Chillin Out at the Phoebus Fall Festival. Good Times!

I was amazed at how many folks asked about the "GREEN" Bottle. This is a mix of concentrated windshield cleaning solvent, more commonly seen as "BLUE" like Windex. Since this Pontiac was delivered to NJ it has the optionial cold climate glass cleaner with the addition of an anti-freezing agent mixture so not only does it clean your glass but helps keep windshield icing to a minimum, But wait there’s more! It also could be added to the fuel tank to help prevent fuel line freeze-up.


Just taken out of service due to repetitive mechanical issues. Then the plan to restore her started with a few years dedicated to parts searching, (Pre-internet) Restoration started in mid-1993.


The event opened to the kids at 4 and ran until 7. We were out of everything by 6, handing out over 1700 pieces of candy and selectively giving out 75+ (GTO ONLY) Diecast cars. It was another great event that just keeps getting bigger.

Tunnel Vision ;-)

The leaves are dropping rapidly and there's a chill in the air. I hope my heater is working ;-)

No, not in hibernation, just a short rest ;)

Video and audio clips

WOW 1500 Thumbs up THX! How about a quick Vid.



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2688 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


azmusclecar on Feb 9, 2015 said:

I have to be one of the first to give you a thumbs up since I too own an OHC 6, except mine is in the 39th car built, a Tempest, with three on the tree and the very same color as yours. I had to go to my garage to see if mine was still there. I have a lot to do to my car, the body is in very good shape, with both original paint, and original primer and now with some new primer. The OHC 6 was just overhauled and week by week I work on it. It has a bench seat and rubber floor mat as well. I bet you get a lot of questions about the engine at car shows. That engine is a real crowd draw since many have been scrapped and some haven't ever seen one in their life. Glad to see what my project hopes to become someday.

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Anonymous on Mar 1, 2015 said:

Hey great engine bay pic, look at that...power steering, power brakes, AND AIR CONDITIONING!!! As the song sings: GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY..... And that four barrel sitting there ready to feed it. I hope my engine bay will look this way AND this nice someday......... You've set the bar high .....thanks for the goal.!!

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azmusclecar on Mar 1, 2015 said:

sorry my above post shows anonymous...but it was me........ :-)

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azmusclecar on Mar 2, 2015 said:

I'm not sure how many OHC 6 owners know it, or maybe readers of this website but there is a forum designed for the OHC6 owners which takes in Tempests, Lemans and Firebirds from 1966-1969. If you know of someone with an OHC6 or own one yourself, find out what all the chatter is about. This car by Jeff and Marie would be an exceptional example of the OHC6 breed.

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azmusclecar on Mar 2, 2015 said:

Here is the website address:

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ghpcnm on Mar 28, 2015 said:

Great Car...THUMBS UP !!!

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ghpcnm on Jul 1, 2015 said:

Swweeeet Six Banger !!!

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azmusclecar on Jul 1, 2015 said:

Dagnabbit, everytime this car comes to the front it makes me want to pull mine off the road to someday get it to this state. But I'm having so much fun driving my OHC6 now with the 4 speed, I keep procastinating my restoration.

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ghpcnm on Jul 1, 2015 said:

That is one sweet looking engine bay for sure. Nothing against V8s...(There is no replacement for displacement), BUT I have a special affinty for six-bangers, especially for quick six-bangers.

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azmusclecar on Jul 30, 2015 said:

Yea, everytime I see this engine bay it makes me sick...............sick to look at mine......LOL!!

I can't seem to find the time to even detail mine...maybe a winter project........I'm enjoying driving my OHC6 with 4 speed too much. My dog won't allow me to do much to HIS car. He owns the back seat and proudly prevents anyone from coming close to it while he's out for his ride.

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azmusclecar on Aug 9, 2015 said:

Wow Jeff, I'm not sure if your order sheet was posted before or not.......amazing to see the options on your OHC6. Base price 2,600 with 1,300 in options! WOW! When I saw the word "LOADED"...that was an understatement. Most salespeople back in the day would suggest you just spend less money and get a GTO. But evidently someone knew what they wanted and stuck to their guns ordering this. I do enjoy seeing small items listed like the visor mirror.......... you could really PERSONALIZE a vehicle back then. I miss spending hours across the desk from a knowledgeable salesperson checking off boxes and negotiating options and prices and then getting up, and going to another dealer with your build sheet, handing it to them when they offered the car for less. Fun Fun Fun.........those days are gone.

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azmusclecar on Sep 20, 2015 said:

I'm visiting your OHC6 again since I no longer own mine.

A 65 year old retired GM/Pontiac mechanic who cut his teeth and spun his first wrench on a Pontiac Tempest bought mine to do a full restoration.

It was bittersweet to see it go, yet I know this car is in the hands of a man who wants to fulfill a dream in his golden years.

I'll keep coming back to view yours Jeff and Marie. Please keep your OHC6 alive and well. I'll need to live through yours vicariously.

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ghpcnm on Oct 1, 2015 said:

Nice long view ;-)

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azmusclecar on Dec 1, 2015 said:

Well Jeff.....I feel your pain having spent many a winter in PA. I'm in Arizona now but will be bringing my new (new to me) OHC6 Tempest back to PA. Yes I went out and got a replacement for my other OHC6 which went to a worthy mechanic to restore. I'm making mine roadworthy here in warm AZ, for an upcoming road trip from AZ to PA. May sound crazy but at my age, people expect crazy so why not fulfill their expectations. My new OHC6 drove fine for 900 miles from San Jose to Tucson. Mine will never be as nice as yours, but I use yours as the benchmark by which others are judged. So put your trophy winner in hibernation and let it rest.

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ghpcnm on Dec 2, 2015 said:

I luv this car a little more every time I see it.

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esstenner on Dec 14, 2015 said:

Very very nice Jeff & Maries, wow that's a peach and with the Sprint package (must be rare) Great page lots of pics and info :^)

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ghpcnm on Dec 17, 2015 said:

I just love everything about your car. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !!!

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azmusclecar on Jan 1, 2016 said:

Double the greetings for the holidays, I'm late to the party.....but better late than never.

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azmusclecar on Jan 1, 2016 said:

Double the greetings for the holidays, I'm late to the party.....but better late than never. I told Dave (post above) to include me in his greetings but at his age, he forgets alot............

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ghpcnm on Jan 2, 2016 said:

HUH ??? Did you say something ???????

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azmusclecar on Jan 2, 2016 said:

Once again, late to the party........I know Dave.....what party?

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Anonymous on Feb 15, 2016 said:

Is the party over ?

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azmusclecar on Feb 15, 2016 said:

Well the lights are still the song goes...turn out the lights, the partys over. So it must still be going on. The last person leaving please turn the lights out......then we will know.

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ghpcnm on Apr 9, 2016 said:

I never tire of seeing that OHC/6.

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Anonymous on Apr 10, 2016 said:

Also had a 1966 sprint , blue charcoal fully loaded like yours with a reverb feature on the radio KR

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Anonymous on Apr 10, 2016 said:

Also had a blk vynl top 4 barrel rochester and hurst 4 speed !


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azmusclecar on May 30, 2016 said:

I just had mine out for about a 100 mile road trip. A bit toasty here in Tucson without A/C. The vinyl seats and steering wheels reminds you fo the good ol' summertime when you hopped in wearing shorts and you starting doing back arches to get your butt off the seat and then grab the steering wheel which is just as hot to brace yourself and your hands get burnt.........ah yes........the good ol' summertime......... My car ran well and got a few thumbs up. The ladies gave me the thumbs down........:-(

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azmusclecar on Jul 1, 2016 said:

Nothing better than a good car show........sitting on a comfy chair.............on a shady porch..........people watching...............oh and owning a sweet desirable OHC6 SPRINT too.

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azmusclecar on Sep 8, 2016 said:

Congrats on the ANTIQUE was for the car right???????????? As I get ready to go back to Arizona to work the winter months on my OHC Tempest I still have yours as my benchmark. My intended projects won't bring it anywhere near your car's level of perfection but for me......I have always been a meat and taterz kind of guy when others are having surf and turf. The uniqueness of my Tempest with the OHC is what I like showing at car shows. Hope you had a great driving season with your car and its always nice to cap it off with a dinner with your child. Enjoy the fall driving weather. Hopefully the AZ thermometer will soon be a bit more kind when I get there and the fun begins............

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SPRINT6 on Sep 9, 2016 said:

Thanks, I'm not sure about the award ;-) I was surprised by my daughters request to go to the show, I wasn't planning to. Glad she doesn't mind being seen with her goofy old man :-)

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azmusclecar on Sep 9, 2016 said:

Jim, maybe she wanted to be seen with THE CAR! HA HA HA HA.......cherish the moments, I have two sons and rarely if ever get to see them. Enjoy the blessings you have in your life. And it sounds like you have many blessings........

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ghpcnm on Jan 1, 2017 said:


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Anonymous on Mar 19, 2017 said:

I had a '67.. best car I've ever had; tremendous motor.. economical, very fast (beat out MANY v-8s, INCLUDING Pontiac's 326!!!)

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ghpcnm on Apr 2, 2017 said:

Keep it straight and have a great spring :)

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azmusclecar on Oct 2, 2017 said:

I just took mine out Jeff yesterday for a 25 miles cruise keeping an eye on the gauges and listening for anything that didn't sound right. It was an enjoyable 25 mile cruise up in the mountains of AZ even getting a thumbs up. I have a slight shake above 65 so I guess I'll have the alignment checked. I just had the tires rebalanced so hopefully an alignment will fix the problem.

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azmusclecar on Nov 4, 2017 said:

Well Jeff my summer of 2017 driving was spent with mine in the garage. But with a new carb and valve stem seals, sway bar, boxed control arms, power steering added and soon to be tranny transplant, 2018 is looking a whole lot brighter.

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SPRINT6 on Nov 4, 2017 said:

Getting there is part of the OHC experience ;-) Keep at it & Best of luck. Cheers

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azmusclecar on Feb 7, 2018 said:

Jeff, I'm amazed AT THE LIST, and second, by THE PRICES! WOudl you like to part out your car? I will give you double what is on the build sheet for your parts!! That is 100% PROFIT. You can't get that in the market. Yes I would say that is a GADGETpalooza car.. I feel cheated, mine had.....had..... CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! NOT ONE OF THOSE ITEMS!!! NOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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azmusclecar on Oct 3, 2018 said:

It sure makes me chuckle when I see the list of options and their associated but then I was only making $1.75 an hour back then.

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SPRINT6 on Oct 3, 2018 said:

That's what always amazes me when folks look at the list and comment on cost. It's all relative to the time IMO.

Saw your car on CL you stepping away from the OHC world ?

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azmusclecar on Oct 3, 2018 said:

Thinking about it....truth be told my funds are dried up. My wife fully retired now and so I have had to make some changes to "OUR" money......and "MY" money. The "MY" money jar is empty. My wife bought a Honda and we have 4 cars and a 3 car garage and I don't want the Cammer sitting outside which my wife believes is the right choice. So..changes NEED to me made, sad to say.

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57timemachine on Sep 23, 2019 said:

An amazing car in so many ways. I have always appreciated these special Pontiac's. They were just too ahead of there time to be fully appreciated by the car buying masses. I have seen a number of these at shows and always take the time to fully appreciate them. Roll over GTO, you have a rival. A very sensible rival. Cheers.

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SPRINT6 on Sep 28, 2019 said:

57, Thanks for the kind words. Your car is well done. I like your user name as well :-) I always refer to my '66 as my Time-machine.


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Anonymous on Oct 27, 2020 said:

Jeff, I just thought I would rediscover that beautiful Pontiac of yours. Still as sweet as ever and cheers to you sir for building it.

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Anonymous on Nov 22, 2020 said:

Nice ride. Have wanted one since I saw my first one a lot in Kokomo Indiana in 1970. The right quarter had been poorly repaired and my Dad nixed the deal. Still looking for another.

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SPRINT6 on Nov 23, 2020 said:

Thanks. We have had this one a long time. If interested our club has a Facebook page dedicated to the Pontiac OHC 6, Check it out some time. Cheers.

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Mario on Nov 29, 2020 said:

Beautiful 66 Pontiac. Well taken care of. My first car was a 59 Catalina convertible and I loved it. Had the 389 ci 4 BBL and it was quick for such a big car.

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SPRINT6 on Dec 5, 2020 said:

Mario, Thanks. I have been admiring some of your posts as well. Good Stuff! Cheers

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Mario on Dec 5, 2020 said:

Thanks Jeff, keeps me out of trouble.

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azmusclecar on Dec 4, 2020 said:

Hey Jeff,

Robert here former OHC6 owner of my 1966 Tempestuous. I stopped by and made sure you are doing us all proud with your car and posting. We wouldn't want to find you negligent and have to take your OHC away and give you a smart car in it's place.

Keep up the good work. I'm visiting a lot of pages tonight in my virtual car show so thanks for having it here.

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SPRINT6 on Dec 5, 2020 said:

AZ, Glad to see your post. We're still hanging in there, hope all is well on your side. I spend most of the time managing our OHC Facebook page which has really taken hold. Cheers.

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57timemachine on Dec 20, 2020 said:

Jeff, the way you organized all your essential tools and items of road repair, is very impressive. You get to show off some trunk memorabilia while utilizing the items as storage for tools. That is just brilliant and I think you just gave some of us an idea. Cheers.

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azmusclecar on Dec 31, 2020 said:

Jeff, Would you kindly keep an eye on this thread. I believe you have the best shots of the OHC6 which would make a great contribution to the thread.

As of NOW, Brandon is working out the solution to posting pics on another member's thread.

We are waiting to hear back from Brandon.

I saw the thread and thought of you. Stay well, stay safe and Happy New Year.


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azmusclecar on Feb 7, 2021 said:

Watching that quick video celebrating 1500 thumbs up brought back all the memories of my 66. The sound especially. That unique sound only made by the OHC6. And I heard that snick snick sound of shift changes too.

Awesome. Rob

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SPRINT6 on Feb 7, 2021 said:

Rob, Glad you liked it. Just added another shorty from the outside ;-) Enjoy! Cheers.

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azmusclecar on Feb 7, 2021 said:

That's the ferrari, only a bit less in price. I always loved when someoen would walk up to the car at a car show and ask:

WHAT IS THAT? Especially with the 4 bbl sprint option. I saw a lot of head scratching going on.

Thanks for the added post. Rob

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Mario on Mar 21, 2021 said:

Hi Jeff, I just noticed I have the same bucket seats you have in my 67 Impala. I bought the car as is in 2009 at a car show here in NY and it already had the bucket seats installed. The previous owner said the seats were from a Pontiac. By the way great pictures of your Pontiac. Looks really good. Regards, Mario

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azmusclecar on Apr 12, 2021 said:

Hey Jeff, yessiree...get'm out and drive'm.

It's hard to enjoy them when you're looking at the roots of the grass rather than the green on top.

Your car helps prevent old age, the more you drive it the younger you feel. And you needn't wear a mask to drive it.

Stay young by driving your old rides. RX by DR ROB.

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ghpcnm on May 29, 2021 said:

Congrats on all the honors.

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azmusclecar on Jun 4, 2021 said:

Hey Jeff..awesome to see the Cammer again...and the trophy.......

I was told I have a trophy wife but she looks nothing like your trophy......

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SPRINT6 on Jun 4, 2021 said:

Rob, Hope all is well. Hard to believe we went a year without any major car events, so glad to get back out and about. I'm getting ready for the Pontiac Nationals as I set this as this year's manin event over the POCI convention. Cheers.

[Reply to this comment]

Mario on Jun 4, 2021 said:

Like your decals pic Jeff. Take a look at my latest post of a Car Show we just had this week in my town. Great to see the old cars again and meet with their owners. It was a Blast! Cheers, Mario.

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azmusclecar on Dec 20, 2021 said:

Hey Jeff, Merry Christmas from a former OHC owner. I hope all is well and the CAMMER is safe and sound in a nice garage but always willing to get up and go on a nice day even if it's winter. Drive it like you own it. Oh wait, you do. Keep the turqoise side up and the other side down. Best wishes, Rob

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SPRINT6 on Dec 21, 2021 said:

Rob, Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. All is well here at the Beach. Hoping for better times in the coming new year. All the best to you. Cheers.

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Mario on Dec 31, 2021 said:

Happy New Year 2022 Jeff! Mario

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SPRINT6 on Dec 31, 2021 said:

Mario, All the Best to you as well. Cheers!

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Mario on Aug 7, 2022 said:

Hi Jeff, love your 66 Pontiac and always enjoy seeing your updates. My first car was a 59 Pontiac Catalina convertible 389 and it was awesome. Your 66 is perfect! Cheers, Mario

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Mario on Sep 23, 2022 said:

Looking forward to seeing pictures of the Elizabeth City NC Pontiac's Coastal Virginia Show Jeff. Good Luck! Cheers, Mario

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Mario on Dec 30, 2022 said:

Happy New Year Jeff, a Healthy and Prosperous 2023! Mario

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SPRINT6 on Jan 1, 2023 said:

Same to you Brother, Wishing you all the best in the New Year.

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azmusclecar on Jan 2, 2023 said:

Don't let your ride get "Tempestuous" this year Jeff. Happy New Year to you and the OHC owners. Rob

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