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My Yellow Pony


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1199 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


Warrior on Jun 4, 2015 said:

Hey MustangGirl. Throw a few more pics of your Stang up for us to see.

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nickmon4321 on Jul 6, 2015 said:

...I bet your "Yellow Pony" must be a great looker but we need to see her so that we members can all give you more appreciated comments and hugs too.!!!...With more pictures you'll change those 40 thumbs up to 400 and even more I am certainly sure.!...

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MustangGirl on Jul 6, 2015 said:

Thank you for your encouragement. I will have to get some photos taken. By the way, your vintage photo is awesome!

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nickmon4321 on Jul 6, 2015 said:

...Mucho hugs for the Pony lady and don't forget those pictures, in the mean time click on my vintage '49 Chevy photo and read three Chapters concerning this car starting with Chapter 10...All true stories are in store for you along with many surprises too.!!!...

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