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~ Chapter 63 - In Memory of ~ "Nicholas RIP" ~

~ Chapter 63 - In Memory of ~ "Nicholas Georgianis" ~

~ Nicholas was a Fireman, a funny guy and a good friend but he would never smile due to a hernia problem ~ I am sure that he is up in Heaven now smiling down on all of us folks and mortals at this very moment tho ~

~ Certainly Nicholas now sleeps with the beautiful Angels as shown in this photo ~

~ Greek Flag and Mini-Market in Memory of Nicholas ~ May he Rest in Pease ~

~ Nicholas would put so much material on FaceBook, so much so that FB would throw him off of their website and he would than tell me that they put him in jail and hence this picture would follow lol ~

~ Chapter 63 - "Nicholas RIP" In Memory Of ~


I met Nicholas several years ago on his group site when he told me that he was a fireman ~ He liked to keep his group public and FaceBook Friends informed of what was happening on Staten Island and also show photo's of many houses on the Island with pictures of the inside of the house too that I was very interested in seeing as I had never seen them before ~ I will also attempt to get some of those house photo's and show them on this chapter so as to keep Nicholas' work alive and using his words, "God Bless" ~

In the meantime I will attempt to show some of our conversations as we move along in this story that I feel are not too private and Nicholas would like me to reveal them or not mind too much if I did lol ~

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "Nick some more of your Gem's in the Group. Gratzi."

~ Nick speaking ~ "Your welcome Nicholas" 02/19/2016 10:37AM

03/20/2016 11:32AM

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "Thomas Pitera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (From Chapter 32 -

Thomas "Tommy Karate" Pitera (born December 10 1954) is a former Mafia hitman in the Bonanno crime family. Pitera earned a reputation as a vicious and sadistic killer who enjoyed murdering people. He was suspected by law enforcement of as many as 60 murders.[1] He was well known for his use of karat…

If you know him tell your Paisan needs an off the book's job lol ~ Check out the criminal career section ~

Don't forget we got a full membership meeting at the club this afternoon at 4. Don't be late... I trust them more than the government! " lol


~ Nicholas speaking ~ "Yeah, I remember Joe Spinelli in a lot of movie's. Didn't know he passed. Rest in Peace.

~ Nick speaking ~ "Thanks Nicholas ~ He died in '89, but his sister who is still living is my daughters Godmother ~ Joe knew many people in Hollywood and he was never intimidated by any of the big Stars ~ I don't know if you saw this Chapter 20 but it will give you more info on him ~

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "I will look at it now. Post it tomorrow when I am sprung from FB Jail. Thanks

I've seen all of Joe's film's including the Horror flicks!"


~ "04/04/2016 7:23PM

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "Hey Nick, How did you get into Vanderbilt's Mausoleum? I want to go there and take photos. RSVP Cheech thanks Nick"

04/05/2016 7:28AM

~ Nick speaking ~ "Hi Nicholas ~ You may or may not know that Moravian Cemetery has tours by appointment to go and see that area but I'm not saying how I got in there but what I am about to explain to you is another way to privately get into that area without waiting for the appointment ~ Do you know how to get into Hi Rock Park by going up Rockland Ave and than turning into Nevada Ave well this is how some people get into the cemetery illegally and subject to arrest ~ Should I continue ?

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "Yes please ~ Question Do they let you take Photos on the tour" ~

~ Nick speaking ~ "The park is connected to to the back of the cemetery where the mausoleums are and when one reaches that area they will find a fence with a hole in it with signs posted, about the arrest for anyone going on to the property illegally ~ Also my understanding is that there are security camera's in that area too so one would have to be very careful in going thru that fence ~ One can see the mausoleum from this fence area too

~ The big problem is finding the trail thru the park in order to find the hole in the fence " ~

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "If you go on the tour do they also take you inside the Mausoleum. Can you take photos?"

~ Nick speaking ~ "I don't know the answer to that question" ~

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "Better the tour than getting arrested."

~ Nick speaking ~ "Yes "~

~ Nick speaking ~ "Nicholas ~ that photo of me next to a mausoleum is not the Vanderbilt Mausoleum but is the Slones Mausoleum ~ The next one over is the Vanderbilt Mausoleum but I unfortunately did not get to it" ~

~ Nick speaking ~ "Although I am not certain I believe that Nicholas and I once touched on "The Collyer Brothers from the '40s ~ This link will explain more on these two brothers" ~


~ Nicholas G ~ Welcome back today on Wednesday and I want to tell you about our going to Atlantic City yesterday on Tuesday June 7, 2016 ~ At the beginning of our trip we were traveling along the Korean War Memorial Highway when out of nowhere a deer came running out of the woods and ran across the Highway ~ Had we been going any faster we probably would have hit him with our car ~ When we got to AC I figured that the deer crossing was an omen so I gambled a few bucks (lol) on it but lost it all ~ When we came back and were again on this highway we saw a dead deer on the side of the Highway Road right about where we saw it before ~ Don't know if it was the same deer but do you think that is why we lost at AC...?...With the exception of the deer photo this is a true story ~

~ Found this story to Nicholas on August 14, 2017 in my Email Draft folder that I compose before putting it into print in this Chapter and the first thing I thought of was Nicholas and this chapter so here it be ~ lol


~ Sloan Mausoleum ~

~ Vanderbilt Mausoleum ~

~ Beautiful Angel ornaments at Moravian Cemetery ~

~ Vanderbilt Mausoleum of years ago ~

~ Wonderful and peaceful pond at entrance way to Moravian Cemetery where Vanderbilt's Mausoleum can be found at a much higher and different location ~ A duck once lived in my neighbors back yard pool with his family and than my neighbor Mike moved them to the pond at the Moravian Cemetery ~ Would you believe that the mother duck comes back to the pool to visit every now and than lol ~

~ Entrance to Moravian Cemetery where Vanderbilt's Mausoleum can be found ~

~ Sloan's Mausoleum ~ Thats me Nick standing there all alone ~

~ Joe Spinnel in one of "The Godfather" scenes ~ His sister Grace is my daughters Godmother and her husband Gus is her Godfather and also my Mother-in-laws brother ~

~ Joe Spinnel with Sylvester Stallone in the "Rocky" movie ~

~ Joe Spinnel in one of his horror movie scenes with the name, "Maniac" ~

~ Joe Spinnel's movie marquee of Maniac in which he starred, produced and Directed ~

04/10/2016 7:45AM

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "Good Morning Cheech, ~ (Nicholas would sometimes call me by that name) I am Blocked til Wednesday. Facebook Blocked me from POSTING because I am posting to too many groups too fast. It's not a human being at Facebook that does this, it's Computer Algorithms they use.

PS. BERNE is in Brooklyn! We got Stuck with guess who this week. Trump the Chump at one of Nicotras Hotels in Bloomfield. Ugh!

~ Nick speaking ~ "Good Morning Nicholas and I had a feeling that was why FB blocked you and I did mention it to you also but at least this time it's only for a few days ~ Trump the Dump here on Staten Island, as you may or may not know his fortune was gained from his Dad when he owned the apartment buildings down at Hylan Blvd and Tysens Lane ~ I don't know if I told you but by chance I was there when he picked out the engagement ring for Marla Maples in Tiffany's Jewelry Store in his Trump Casino at Atlantic City and I think that is why they named their first born by that same name, Tiffany ~

~ Nicholas speaking ~ "Story & Photos please ~

Did I tell you I knew her Father Mugsy Maples from the Superman TV show ~ When Donald's father started out he was at Louie Dumbrowskis Sweetshop on Around we go the Mulberry Street. Bada Bing POW Boom : ) lol"

Your Memories on Facebook

~ FaceBook speaking ~ "Nick, we care about you and the memories you share here. We thought you'd like to look back on this post from 1 year ago.

Nick Mondelli April 9, 2016 ·

~ Nick speaking ~ "While I have already sent this site to all my friends via Email, that will allow one to see the Worlds Largest Ferris Wheel being built in St George, Staten Island, NYC on a daily bases I am also putting it on FaceBook for anyone else that I may have missed ~

Should one ever want to visit this location as a tourist or for whatever reason they will be able to see it's progress First Hand" ~

Courtesy of Nicholas Georgianis

The New York Wheel - Construction Camera by EarthCam Construction Camera Public Web Page to Monitor and Document a Job Site with Image Hosting and Archive Solutions. ~ EARTHCAM.NET

~ Model photo of the Ferris Whell that is expected to be in St George, Staten Island, NYC ~

~ I just now went thru all my messages from Nicholas and my reply's too and found them to be just too personal to make them a part of this Chapter 63 so I bid you all ado and thank you for your interest and taking the time to read this memorial for our good friend Nicholas Georgianis ~ God Bless him and his new surroundings where ever he may be ~ To be continued when I find the pictures of the inside of the houses that he published several times in the past ~ Some of those pictures have been found and added today on April 26, 2017 but I will be constantly up-dating this beautiful memorial as and whenever I find additional pictures and facts relating to this story ~

Nick ~ April 9, 2017

~ I worked at this school on Arthur Kill Road back in the early '90s and Nicholas found that out and got me this photo lol ~ The teachers would sometimes take the students to this cemetery and clean it up and also do maintainence there too ~

Nick to Nicholas ~ "I saw some deer running on Arthur Kill Road over by Historic Richmond Town in the woods and there had to be at least 5 or 6" of them there deer lol ~

Nicholas to Nick ~ "Did you take pictures ?"

Nick to Nicholas ~ "I couldn't as there was a lot of commotion going on that road at the time ~ It looked like an ambulance was in a hurry to get through that site too" ~

~ Looks like more than 5 or 6 deer to me lol ?


Explore the grounds and facades outdoors. Recently opened! Several smaller rooms with great character, including the vintage bath tub. Features the largest rooms in the house, where your long lenses can be put to work! HOME ABOUT CONTACT

The Gustave A. Mayer House, a fine Italianate villa, was among the first rural residences in that style built on Staten Island and is a rare survivor of its type and period within the city limits. In sympathy with the theories of the Picturesque espoused by Andrew Jackson Davis and his collaborator Andrew Jackson Downing, the house is placed to the best advantage of its sloping site. Occupying a crest overlooking a historically important Staten Island crossroads, the Mayer House was built for David R. Ryers between 1855 and 1856 by an architect unknown to us today. This symmetrically arranged, two-and-a-half story frame structure is characterized by a full width porch, consistently fine detailing, and is topped with a cupola. In the 1890 's, confectioner and inventor Gustave Mayer made the villa both his home and place of business, there manufacturing innovative items such as fancy sugar wafers, decorative metal objects, and other products. The grounds recall the original Picturesque landscaping, at one time tended by Mayer himself.

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~ Just yesterday on July 25, 2017 I drove past this very beautiful home and noticed that the new home owner has started his complete restoration and I will from time to time bring this restoring process up to date God willing lol ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Kreischer House ~ Click on this link for suicide, murder and haunted house story ~

~ The Kreischer House ~ Today on Wednesday of June 21, 2017 there is a lawn party going on with food and entertainment too and my wife and I were going to go but due to personal reasons were unable to attend ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~

~ The Gustave A. Mayer House ~


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nickmon4321 on Jul 26, 2017 said:

on May 24, 2017 Nick said: ~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

~ Kriecher Mansion lawn party on Wed 6/21 - 6/20/17 ~ May Ellen Classmate of '53 - 6/21/17 ~ Leslie - Jim - Connie - FaceBook very good friends - 7/26/17 ~

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