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1966 Shelby GT 350 ouR

Crossover with late 60"s and early 70's Competition history and now vintage racing

The original numbered motor in all it's Shelby dressings from Valve Covers, Manifold,to Oil Pan. Totally rebuilt at original specs other than being 40 over.


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ghpcnm on May 19, 2011 said:

Very nice !!!

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FORDMANTED on Jan 1, 2013 said:

HI-Ecellent restoration with very good photos and glad to see you still racing. What part of the country are you located in? I own 66 6S674 Hertz 4 spd. car since !977 and raced it all over country.Moved from Houston,Tx. after being flooded out with 38" of rain in 24 hours by Allison in 2001 and moved to Reedsburg ,WI .area in 2003. Still restoring Mustangs and now AMC Eagles(cheaper) Keep those Shelbys running. Take care and GOD BLESS

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jdroar on Jan 1, 2013 said:

Hi,I'm located in New Mexico, my local vintage racing group is South West Motor Sports based in ALBUQUERQUE, NM we race at NAPA Speedway. I have gone to Calif and FL for races. I have owned the car since 1974,but have been the caretaker since 1969. Thank you for the look see and comments. JDR

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FORDMANTED on Jan 2, 2013 said:

HI JDR- Thanks for the info and commend you on hanging in there and still racing. Nice looking Shelby. Are you in the COBRA/SHELBY Registry and what is your Shelby VIN? I keep records even if people don't register their car in one of my old (3) registry books. I am still in there and Kopec-Pardee knows me personally. I worked with Carroll Shelby at HORN-Williams FORD in Dallas, 1965/66 before he moved to Ca. Have attended a few of national events and raced there. Esp. Charlotte,Halliet and Texas WORLD Speedway and now Michigan. Took engine out to restore to original specs since I modified it for more power. I owned FORD MAN' MUSTANG & AUTO. out of Houston for over 30 years before flood. Wish you the best and pray for you to have a better YEAR. we are going to need it with HA HA president we have. GODF BLESS TED"FORDMAN" EHRHARDT

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