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Mermory Lane based on a true Life Story


DECEMBER 24th and 25th, 2011 - deer on staten island

a true happening christmas story

staten island has become a strange land............

several years ago deer were spotedd swiming across the kill van kull heading for staten island and the fisher men in the waters that day made them turn around and go back to new jersey.......well there was no stopping them from coming to this vacation land as apparently they got word from my very good friend john that this is the place to live [joking], but he actually said that almost 50 years ago and the deer and the turkeys [and other wild life] must have heard him make that comment.......

at last count those few deers that swam over to staten island a few years ago, ........[hic] at last count from the local newspaper has estimated the count to be over 200.......the deer seem to love it hear in staten island and new jersey........on our way over to visit my daughter in new jersey on dec 24th we spotted 3, i repeat three deer on richmond ave and arthur kill road in staten island......we have spotted them many times in this area where a park three times the size of central park in manhattan is being built and is a roughfully half a mile away from our home......we have also spotted them in ottenville and according to the local newspapers they have been spotted in saint geoge near the ferry or in other words they are all over the island........

after our joval christmas eve at my daughters home and the next day [dec 25th] while opening our gifts with my grand children we spotted a deer in her colver sack that could not find it's way out of this area......he apparantlt got lost and kept going into the back of everyones driveway and could not seem to get out, due to the fencdes off back yards......[or maybr he was looking for santa...?] [ hic]

after awhile i got tired of watching him as i had to get back inside the house to help the kids open their christmas gifts.......not only due we half to worry about the deer crossing signs placed in staten islang at christmas time but at thanksgiving time our concerns at with the growing population of the turkeys down at south beach......have to go now to help clear the traffic og the congessted turkey and deer crossingscrossing.......

so for one more time .....have a verry MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS all you lovaely prople out there that is friends, neighbors and familly..........don't forgwt to view the many videos posted on youtube to document this story.....hic..hic.....hiccup..........saint nick .......[you know i dont drink - tongueg in cheek, but all true]

ps.......the frequent errors and mistakes were from my rushing to get this idea in print before i would forget them (can't remember sh*t (crs)......than the further idea of the holiday drunk came to mind, hence eliminating the required now have the inside story.......but they are all true events as they happened and i sincerely appreciated your patience's.......... ... deer ... deer buck ... turkey ... S. I. land fill size = 3 times central park

Holiday of 2011 with family, Elizabeth wife, Donna Daughter, Eric and Dean Grandsons, and me - Photo taken by Donna's husband Mark - For a larger photo click on Picture.......

Video and audio clips

Please move the 'deer crossing signs' as the deers that see them are trying to cross the highways at that point......huhhh.!?


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nickmon4321 on May 21, 2014 said:

Hey John.....Thanks for posting this Chapter on your Facebook wall......Very much appreciated.....Nick

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nickmon4321 on Sep 28, 2014 said:

About a week ago while my wife Elizabeth drove her car up the road from our home in Staten Island and made a right turn onto Riedel Ave, low and behold she came upon a large deer standing on the side of the road just a few short feet from each other....Elizabeth stopped her car to get a better look and they both were staring at each other....She was about to get her camera to take a picture of the deer when a passing dog barked and the frightened deer vanished into the woods.!!!

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nickmon4321 on Dec 19, 2014 said:

The latest deer count on Staten Island has now been estimated at 800 and counting.....MERRY CHRISTMAS - 2014 - To all...

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nickmon4321 on Mar 4, 2015 said:

"Back to the future"....Yesterday on January 1, 2015 while driving back from Staten Islands Town of Tottenville on Arthur Kill Road a huge Buck Deer with antlers crossed the road right in front of us and we pulled our car over to the spot where he went into the woods......He slowly turned his head to look at us and than continued to walk further into the woods. Elizabeth tried to take a picture of this gorgeous Buck but by the time she got her phone/camera out, the deer had gone too far into the shadows....What a way to start the New Year though......Happy New Year guys, one more time, once.....

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