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Farm Find

Field of Dreams

As a teen in the 1970s, I loved walking through the junkyards and seeing all the old cars. There is something special about unrestored cars - they are 100% original, and to me seem more historic.

When I heard about a gentleman in North Central Washington who has a few cars on his farm, I jumped at the chance to see his collection. What a treat!

I posted these pictures for everyone like me who appreciates old iron.


1940 Ford Pickup

1. 1940 Ford Pickup (not for sale)

1941 Ford

2. 1941 Ford

1940 Ford Pickup

3. 1940-41 Ford Pickup

1946 Mercury

4. 1946 Mercury

1948 Ford in the background, 1950 Ford pickup in foreground

5. 1948 Ford in the background, 1950 Ford pickup in foreground

1950 Ford trucks

6. 1950 Ford trucks

1948 Ford,  1963 Ford Fairlane

7. The middle car is a 1948 Ford, the foreground car is a 1963 Ford Fairlane.

Willys 1952-53 hardtop

8. Willys 1952-53 hardtop

1949 Ford, 1950 Ford

9. 1949 Ford pulling the trailer, 1950 Ford in background.

10. '53 Kaiser '60 Plymouth (sold), '72 Ford 1 ton truck, '50 Ford Flatbed and '51 Ford Truck

11. '63 Ford wagon, '53 Ranch wagon, '52 Ford 2 door wagon, '59 Ford pick up, '55 Ford 4 dr. wagon

1953 Kaiser Manhattan and 1960 Ford Pickup

12. 1953 Kaiser Manhattan and 1960 Ford Pickup (sold)

1954 Willys 2-door

13. 1954 Willys 2-door

1956 Ford

14. '56 Ford

15. '57 Plymouth

16. '61 Ford Galaxy conv. '53 Ford sedan 2 door, '51 Ford, '68 Ford LTD 2 dr. hardtop

1963 Studebaker Lark 4-door

17. '63 Studebaker Lark 4-door

1963 Studebaker

18. '63 Studebaker

19. '61 Ford convertible, '59 Ford TBird, 2 door hardtop, '33-'34 Ford pick up

1964 Ford Galaxie, 4 door hardtop

20. '64 Ford Galaxie, 4 door hardtop

21. 1960 Ford T-Bird

1956 Ford 2 door hardtop with 302 engine

22. 1956 Ford 2 door hardtop with 302 engine

1957 Ford

23. 1957 Ford

1931 Ford Model A

24. 1931 Ford Model A

25. 1931 Ford Model A

26. 1930 Ford coupe

1964 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible

27. '64 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible


1931 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


Anonymous on Nov 21, 2009 said:

Takes me back to a long time ago. Thanks for a great web page.

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dstryr on Dec 3, 2009 said:

Those cars and trucks really spur the imagination. Thanks for posting them all!

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Anonymous on Dec 13, 2009 said:

beautiful 2dr hardtop customline ford. Is it for sale?

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Brandon on Dec 16, 2009 said:

Yes, everything on this page is for sale, unless noted otherwise. Click "Contact" above and I'll email you the phone number. Thanks for visiting!

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Anonymous on Dec 27, 2009 said:

neat stuff, but i just dont "get" leaving cars and trucks parked around. either fix em and drive em or sell em. that 41 ford looks pretty good...

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Anonymous on Jan 3, 2010 said:

Thanks for great pictures, its a pity that I lives in Sweden (hard to find old American cars)

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Anonymous on Jan 21, 2010 said:

You'd be lucky in the UK to be able to do this now, as Health and Safety laws make people afraid of insurance claims. Fantastic find.

Andrew Wright, North Wales, UK.

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OlePhart on May 12, 2011 said:

Dang Smart man, owning mostly Fords.

If he had chevys & dodges they would have already rusted into the ground.


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Anonymous on May 13, 2011 said:

I have owned the 63 Lark and the 61 Galaxy (Hardtop). Turned the Galaxy into a dragster. Gave the Lark to my Grandfather.

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Anonymous on Nov 29, 2011 said:

I bought one of the 40-41 Ford trucks....thanks soooo much...dr. John

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Anonymous on Oct 22, 2014 said:

What may I ask did you pay for it?

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west4057 on Jan 8, 2012 said:

fords chevys dodges plymouths,they are all great! i hope they all get saved, i would try to buy one but i have 11 cars already! i know i saved quite a few from the crusher,what i dont get is why are people crushing all these pieces of history for the steel when they have aircraft carriers and old battle ships that they sink when they dont need them anymore? theres so much steel in those why dont they get the steel from those?!!!!

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nickmon4321 on Dec 19, 2012 said:

nickmon4321......Too, too N...I...C...E...for words.....Love each and every one of them......Nick

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Anonymous on Jan 7, 2013 said:

J'espère un jour trouver un pick up dans un champs, vous avez la chance de voir un grand stock.

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Anonymous on Jan 29, 2014 said:

I have a 1940 ford 1 ton pick up looking for misc parts

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Anonymous on Dec 21, 2014 said:

I love the 1956 Ford 2 door hard top .

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Warrior on Jun 2, 2015 said:

So sad. I hope most of them were saved somehow.

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robt65 on Sep 8, 2015 said:

Hello Dr. John,

I am looking for a older 31 to 49 old 1.5 or 2 ton farm to market truck to refurbish for our family farm. Will eventually use for a farm to market truck at local farmers market. Please contact if you know of any.


Thank you, Robert

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Anonymous on Jan 18, 2016 said:

I love 40's, 50's, and 60;s cars. wish I could afford one, especially a 53 Merc or 60 Edsel Convert mt

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Anonymous on May 23, 2020 said:

My lifetime favorite car is a 1952 Pontiac Chieftain 4/door w/ a straight eight, and a hydromatic trans. I've had six of them.

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Anonymous on May 23, 2020 said:

My lifetime favorite car is a 1952 Pontiac Chieftain 4/door w/ a straight eight, and a hydromatic trans. I've had six of them. Had to sell them, one time or another. Plan to get one more.

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Anonymous on Jun 17, 2016 said:

These take me back I remember a lot of these thank's

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Anonymous on Oct 25, 2016 said:

saw some great looking 49 Ford Coupes. Interesting,,,price?

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