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~ Chapter 44 - Independence Day and National Guard Memories ~

~ Weekend Pass ~

~ Going to Long Island NY for M1 Rifle Training ~

Connie Asbury Evans > Nick Mondelli

Have a Happy and safe 4th

Louis Montefusco ~ The greatest disappointment in my life was being deemed unfit for military service and classified 4-F. I mean, what's a little epilepsy and a game leg between friends, anyway? Anyhow, I have always said to those in uniform that just because I couldn't serve next next to you doesn't mean I can't stand beside you to show my support. Never forget that it is because of our brave men and women in the service that we have a flag to rally around on Independence Day.

Connie Asbury Evans ~ I know what you mean dear friend. I tried to join in 1973 but a bad ticker nipped that in the bud first day....but we both were the best citizens we could possibly be here on the home front.

Nick Mondelli ~ Staten Island Artist Scott LoBaido Painting of an American Flag on a roof top that can be seen from high above ~ For comparison just look at the size of the cars to see how large this flag is ~ An amazing feat I dare say for this great Artist that had gone to all USA states three times to paint these wonderful flags ~ On his last trip he painted the USA Flags on only Veteran Buildings ~ In High School Scott sat behind my daughter Donna Dellavalle in History Class ~

Nick Mondelli ~ A photo of his truck with a flag that Scott painted on it next to that "Close Encounter of a Third Kind" mountain in the background ~ I think that he had some Alien Help to do some of his flags here on earth wouldn't you say ~

Connie Asbury Evans ~ How beautiful and what a talented man!!!....these are awesome Nick....thank you for sharing these...<3

Connie Asbury Evans ~ I think he must be supernatural.....

Nick Mondelli ~ You can friend him if you like just by clicking on his name and I'm certain that he will confirm too ~

Connie Asbury Evans ~ It would be an honor...thanks Nick...

Connie Asbury Evans ~ Done it....His page is amazing!!!....just beautiful...

~ Nick Mondelli ~ Nicholas Georgianis ~ Vito Mondelli ~ John Rapisardi ~ Ed Purfield ~ Thomas Wright ~ Dusty Billings-Lilien ~

Ed Purfield ~ Thanks Nick. He is amazing.

Nick Mondelli ~ Photo of me in front with another National Guard buddy taken in the late '50s and on our way to M1 rifle training in Long Island, NY ~

Vito Mondelli ~ Do you maybe mean Camp Smith, Peekskill NY? ~ I never remember firing my rifle on long Island.

Nick Mondelli ~ Hey Vito Mondelli, I'm glad that you replied, as 'yes' we did go to Long Island to fire our rifles but I don't remember where it was exactly, but while being at this location one of the Lt's had me carry an umbrella over his head as it was raining out ~ Whoever was at the front of the firing range and I can remember that it was a high ranking Officer, blasted the Lt over a microphone to get rid of the umbrella and was later chewed out in front of the whole unit ~ We also went to Camp Smith for two weeks and had a very exciting adventure at that location too ~ We all stayed in a building that was close to the edge of a cliff ~ I received a pass to go home for the weekend when I lived in Sunnyside, Queens and there was a big storm as I recall for that weekend ~ When I reported back to Camp Smith I recall that the whole building that we all stayed in had fallen over the cliff ~ Some one who stayed behind in Camp Smith told me that while he was in the building over the weekend, he heard a creaking sound during the storm and so ran out of the building and barely made it out before it crashed down the cliff ~ I remember taking some pictures of it but now I can't find them ~ I also googled the accident and searched many military records for the accident but no record of it could be found ~ As Bob Hope would say, Thanks for the memories ~ lol For more detail of that wonderful story click on this link ~

~ Thanks guys for this wonderful story as it will now live in Infamy ~

Nick Mondelli - July 3, 2016

~ Nick in Army National Guard Uniform heading to Long Island for Rifle Practice and driving there with my Three Quarter Truck ~ I forgot why I am looking so befuddled ~

~ Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas sitting on top of an Artillery Gun where we would fire off the same type of weapon at White Sands Proving Grounds using missile shells ~ About 50 miles from Area 51 that contained UFO activity ~

~ Giving the appearance of being prepared for enemy combat ~

~ Nick top Left side next to the Artillery Big Gun and his Army National Guard Buddy's in El Paso, Texas at Fort Bliss ~ For a larger picture click on the photo ~


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nickmon4321 on Jul 4, 2017 said:

~ Very good Anonymous as walking is better anyway lol ~

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nickmon4321 on Dec 1, 2017 said:

on May 24, 2017 said: ~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

~ My FaceBook thoughts - 7/4/17 ~ Elizabeth Rodriquez ~ Vintage Website - 12/1/17 ~

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