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~ Chapter - 60 ~ Chairlift to Heaven (Bedroom) ~

~ Chair Lift to Heaven - Part ll ~

~ After Elizabeth fell and broke her Hip it was time to get one of those lifter uppers lol ~

~ This is the right type of chair but she doesn't look anything like Elizabeth lol ~

Although this lady looks a little more like liz but she kept repeating over and over again ~ "Hey Nick!!! ~ What are you doing ?"

~ Stairway to Heaven (Bedroom) ~ Which do you prefer ?

~ The chair lift would be like a Disney Ride on this guy lol ~

~ My beautiful Wife Elizabeth who's photo was taken on our honeymoon in Puerto Rico way back in '61 ~

~ Ron and Liz who were both nice enough to celebrate my sister Angie's 85th Birthday Party at their beautiful Home ~

~ Angie's 85th Birthday Party was a Bash ~ lol

~ Even Dean Martin and Sophia Loren LIKED the Birthday Party and wanted to know where all the good food came from lol ~

~ Somehow I just did not understand what Ron's sign was all about lol ~

~ " I don't know about you guys but I'm going outside in the snow and see if I can find Elizabeth to borrow a cigaret and have a fast smoke " ~

~ " Play It Again Sam only this time we'll sing Happy 85th Birthday to Angela ~ I'll also let you in on a secret Sam and that is that Elizabeth today on January 9, 2017 started to walk for the first time with a Cane ~ Do you think that she's trying to get a part in my film ' Caine Mutiny ' lol " ~

~ I know that a lot of film was taken on their IPhones and one day we'll all be able to see it outside on the screen for the Drive-in movie that Ron plans to build in their front lawn lol ~

~ No Birthday Party is a party without these two guys and I'm glad they could make it lol ~

~ Vito is still trying to figure out why he couldn't bring his whole Family lol ~

~ Chapter - 60 ~ Part 2 ( For Part 1 click on this link

~ Chair Lift to Heaven (Bedroom) ~ or " Hey Nick, What are you doing "


Humphrey Bogart really said, "Before reading this story go to the bottom and play my favorite song and listen to it while you read what happened to Elizabeth"

Not to repeat myself but we had gone to Ron and Liz's home in Huntington Long Island to celebrate my sister Angie's 85th Birthday Party ~ It was inevitable that my wife Elizabeth would break her hip, for the second time now, as it appears that, that is what she does especially at Birthdays ~ Elizabeth broke her hip in 2003 on her Birthday and now again on Angie's Birthday too ~

To make a short story long or is it the other way around, we arrived at our home in Staten Island safely and without any fan fair lol ~ Elizabeth was about to think of a 'Brain Storm' as what else is there to do at our age ~ Both of our neighbors on either side of us already had applied to Medicare for one of those Chair Lifts but sorry, Medicare does not cover this item so we were told ~

The last time this Hip Breaking routine occurred Liz was able to go up the stairs on her rump but that was 13 years ago and with age those things change somewhat Lol ~ It was time to call the neighbor, get a phone number and set up a date and appointment ~ No appointment necessary we were told so over they came ~ When they arrived we met with a very fine young man ~ Through some misunderstanding after speaking with this young man Liz canceled the whole process but the young man did every thing in his power to get Liz to change her mind back again ~ He called his boss and after some more talk and guarantees Liz went back to her original plan to have the stair lift installed ~

The young man was certainly a hard worker through out this installation except Liz kept saying, " Hey Nick, what are you doing" but the young man would sweat more and more each time that Liz would yell out, "Hey Nick, what are you doing" ~ This story kept on repeating itself over and over until the guy finally came over to me shook my hand and said, Hey Nick my name is Nick too ~ The laughter in that room was finally non-stop and the man stopped sweating ~

Liz has been able to go up to the bedroom now to sleep but becoming accustomed to the chase lounge has decided to stay there until she is better healed ~ And so the story goes until the next time lol ~

Nick Mondelli ~ January 7, 2017

~ "Hey Nick, What are you doing" the real Nick involved with this story ~

Video and audio clips

~ The chair lift that we have at our house is a 400 pound capacity and when I was at the ladies house that is demonstrating this chairlift I tried to kiss her too like that man in the video did, but she slapped me and than threw me out of her house lol ~

~ "Play it Sam" ~


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nickmon4321 on Jan 13, 2017 said:

From: Liz Zakrzewski To: nick Sent: Thu, Jan 12, 2017 5:57 pm Subject: Stairway to heaven

Hi Uncle Nick! Your story was very entertaining...glad Aunt Liz got her chair installed but I'd like to hold off on the "to heaven" part for a bit longer! Glad she is feeling better

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nickmon4321 on Jan 13, 2017 said:

~ Thanks very much Liz and I will tell Aunt liz what you said and not to worry about " Stairway to Heaven" as it only means that she is going up to bed (Heaven) ~

That was than but she still now prefers sleeping on the Chase Lounge until her back gets to feel better Lol ~ Stay well and tell Ron I said "Hello" ~

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nickmon4321 on Jan 17, 2017 said:

~ Our immediate next door neighbor Ann has not been doing too well lately and was the first to have a chairlift installed on her staircase ~ My latest understanding is that she may try to stay near her daughter Karen in New Jersey and live in a private apartment with her two wonderful cats called Sam and Jet lol ~ Ann will have a nurse on a 24 hour assist to help her get along ~

Terry who lives on the other side of us was the 2nd lady to have a chair lift installed ~ Due to the fact that she needs oxygen on a 24 hour bases she had a gas (Not Gasoline) generator installed in her back yard so that if the neighborhood should lose electricity her generator will kick in to help keep her oxygen supply for her ~

Another neighbor JoAnn that lived a few house's down from us and was on dialysis suddenly had her cathera that was on her shoulder come out where her blood was taken from her, circulated, filtered and returned to her body, so she was unable to stop the bleeding ~ She called 911 and all sorts of Fire Engines, Ambulances and Police showed up to help her ~ As they were unable to enter her house they broke into the house by breaking the lock but unfortunately were too late ~ They found her still holding her phone in her hand ~ GOD BLESS her ~

All this stuff happened in the past few months but In Elizabeth's case with her determination she has been lucky and is healing nicely ~ Elizabeth has been using her cane to get around and we went to Mark and Donna's house to celebrate Eric's Birthday this past Sunday ~ We have also been going to Great Kills Park and to several restaurants to eat out too ~

~ Elizabeth and I wish our neighbors well in this New Year of 2017 ~

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nickmon4321 on Feb 24, 2017 said:

~ My wife Elizabeth has reached another Milestone as yesterday she told me that although she continues to use her cane for walking she has now discontinued taking the chairlift to go upstairs ~ This morning when I awoke It was not necessary to squeeze between the banister and the chairlift on the second floor to get back downstairs as the chairlift remains down on the first floor while my wife is sleeping peacefully in bed on the second floor lol ~

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