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Dual Master Brake Conversion.

Do it for your life or someone else's life.

We drive around in our vintage rides being proud and enjoying our hard work bringing these old treasures back to life. Then in the real world of countless other cars driving around us, not realizing that we can not stop as fast or as safe as they can. The reality sets in. Our vintage cars are a ticking time bomb in todays madness of day to day driving. I had a major scare two years ago and that directed me in upgrading my 1957 Pontiac to a dual brake master system. Obviously with a single master brake system, when there is a failure anywhere in the system, it is catastrophic. A good friend of mine Peter V. sourced out a dual master that required very minimal work to convert. 1967 Chev Camaro master for drum front and drum rear and non power, bolts right in and I only had to bend new brake lines to make my new dual master system come to life. I would recommend this vital upgrade to everyone. It could mean your life or someone else's life. Cheers.

Had no room for a booster so I left it this way. Which is fine by me.

Just a perfect fit and so much so that it looks factory fit.

I had to loop it a bit because my measure was a bit off. That's fine and I am ok with it.

This is where I had a union to tie in the rear line from the back feed of the master cylinder.


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Mario on Aug 23, 2023 said:

Very true George our old cars take a long time to stop compared to the new ones. Today's generation is used to speeding to a light and stopping hard at the last minute. No room for error. Having a Dual Master Cylinder is a great idea and conversion kits are the way to go. It could save your life. Thank you for the post. Cheers, Mario

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oldkuma on Aug 23, 2023 said:

out standing post. good advise. a corvette m/cyl. would work also and has a larger fluid cap. due caliper volume required by disc brakes. disc. conversion kits for frt. and rear are available for most applications. lets keep this kind content coming. thanks to all who have wiewed my page and responded. be safe and enjoy. (LARRYS BOWTIES)

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oldkuma on Aug 23, 2023 said:

lets here more from cam and his projects.

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57timemachine on Aug 23, 2023 said:

Some folks will say why not go disc brakes and a booster. Well a booster will not fit on my particular 1957 Pontiac (Canadian model) situation. Disc brakes..... well I might as well go totally modified which for me would be giving up on my love for classic original cars. I needed some margin of safety with the dual system and I now have it. Do it folks. Cheers.

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oldkuma on Sep 6, 2023 said:

Did you know that in the 5os pontiac Canada built a panel delivery model. Old car weekly had story in an issue a couple of months ago. Larry

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57timemachine on Sep 6, 2023 said:

Larry, Pontiac panel delivery vehicles were built up to the 1958 model year here in Canada. I would imagine that it would be wild for an American old car hobbyist seeing a 1958 Pontiac sedan delivery. Any Pontiac sedan delivery for the matter. Cheers.

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