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American Motors Dealer Brochures.


Here are some of my American Motors dealer brochures. Enjoy.

1965 AMC. (Complete lineup).

1965 AMC (Complete line up).

1965 AMC X Ray (Complete lineup). Comparisons with competing makes.

1967 AMC Ambassador. AMC's top of the line car.


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Mario on Jan 11, 2024 said:

I have to admit I was never a fan of the AMC cars any year. They just never appealed to me.

I was mainly a GM fan and some Fords (Fix Or Repair Daily).

I liked the 60's Chrysler cars because they were hot on the track breaking all the 1/4 mile records here at National Speedway, LI.

Cheers my friend, Mario

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57timemachine on Jan 12, 2024 said:

Mario, there are actually a few AMC cars that I like. They were the under dog in the industry and the last independent. I always liked the 68 69 and 70 AMX and Javelin. Also liked the full size SST and Rebel of the late 60's. They had some great engines in the way of 390 and 401. They were innovators considering how small a company they were. AMC had a dual brake master system before any American car company in 1962, Cadillac also had it in 1962. They did well considering how small their budget was. Sadly they finally died because they could not compete against GM and Ford. Cheers.

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Mario on Jan 21, 2024 said:

Luckily AMC died because they couldn't compete with other American and Foreign companies. The buyers of new cars determine which car company survives and that's the bottom line.

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