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Sweet Cherry Wine Riviera

** The Great American Road Belongs To Buick **

This one stays in climate controlled storage.

Riviera Owners Association member #13283

*Cover Car for the 2012 Riviera Performance Calendar*

Black Cherry House of Color Paint / 3 stage

57k One Owner Miles

Bullet-proof and quick

Riviera Owners Association member #13283

Plush and comfy


** The Great American Road Belongs To Buick **


USMC 3/3 Operation Starlite

Video and audio clips


More Cars of the 1990s
More Buick Coverage

2091 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


Tindian on May 15, 2011 said:

Those 95 Rivieras were way ahead in looks and technology. I like the color too. Classy newer collector car.You have also done some smart upgrades

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ghpcnm on May 15, 2011 said:

Thank you ... I really believe these cars will become more and more collectible as time goes by. I will be posting new pics soon showing the new paint and interior. Thanks again, Dave

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calvin on Jul 23, 2015 said:

nice riv I have a 65 im working now its a long way to go yet

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Deadhead on May 19, 2011 said:

Nice Riv, Dave. My one uncle used to have a '71 Boat-tail...slick ride.

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KaiserSosei on May 20, 2011 said:

Nice, clean Rivi Dave. Can't wait to see more pics, see you on the forum!

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MalibuMyles on May 26, 2011 said:

Nice Car Dave.

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OhioT on May 27, 2011 said:

Very, very nice Riviera, Dave.

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ghpcnm on May 27, 2011 said:

Thank you OhioT , MalibuMyles and Kaiser. Have a great Memorial Day weekend and say a prayer of thanks for our brave soldiers.

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OhioT on Jun 6, 2011 said:

Exceedingly excellent Dave

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ghpcnm on Jun 6, 2011 said:

Thanks, my friend

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Rhaggz on Jun 11, 2011 said:

Good looking Riv... I have owned a couple of the early versions of it... You always look back when you see something like this and kick yourself in the butt for getting rid of them...

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ghpcnm on Jun 11, 2011 said:

Thanks...I will be posting pics of the finished car soon. I am getting it out of the body shop later today.

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ghpcnm on Jul 1, 2011 said:


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OhioT on Jul 1, 2011 said:

Simply an EXCELLENT machine Dave

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ghpcnm on Jul 1, 2011 said:

Thank you !!! I really appreciate it.

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OhioT on Jul 4, 2011 said:

Dave..I joined the Riv Performance Group yesterday. Appears that a great deal of info applies to my 3800 Supercharged Pontiac. Thank you for recommending the web site.

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ghpcnm on Jul 4, 2011 said:

COOL...I thought you would like it. I'll see you there :)

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Cuda_D_Avid on Jul 11, 2011 said:

Very nice ride Dave! Classic lines.

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ghpcnm on Jul 28, 2011 said:

Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it :)

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Anonymous on Sep 11, 2011 said:

Very nice work Dave, I love the color and the wheels you choose.

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ghpcnm on Sep 12, 2011 said: made my day :)

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OhioT on Oct 18, 2011 said:

In every way this is the finest example of a 1990's Riviera which I have seen. I've viewed many at various car shows.

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MustangGirl on Nov 11, 2011 said:

Maroon Firemist, a gorgeous color for a gorgeous car! Love it.

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ghpcnm on Nov 11, 2011 said:

Thanks a million...I'm Blushing

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hotroded on Nov 12, 2011 said:

Great Car My Neighbor has 2 of them garage Kept! 1 Is Supercharged In Mint cond.

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RonRRC on Nov 28, 2011 said:

Thanks, Thats a beauty you have there man!!! That interior sure is fancy, looks comfortable..

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gtsuperjet on Dec 1, 2011 said:

I've always liked Buicks....! This one is no exception! She is a black beauty... real rare also! 5 stars!

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exmerc on Dec 5, 2011 said:

I have to admit that is a sharp car. Late models don't normally do anything for me but I would buy that. Nicely done.

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ghpcnm on Dec 5, 2011 said:

Thanks...I understand what you mean about the newer cars, but there's just something about the Riv and Reatta that says "future collectible" to me. Thanks again for the compliment.

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Louiestoy on Dec 23, 2011 said:

I love your Riviera, Dave! A true beauty. Back in the late '80's, I owned an '86 Buick Park Avenue (2 door)) I believe that was the last year of the 2 door. I loved that 3.8! (not supercharged, of course)

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ghpcnm on Dec 29, 2011 said:

Thanks, Louie. I appreciate your compliment. Take care of that Mustang of yours.

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C5CHICK on Jan 3, 2012 said:

Thanks for the comment Ive been building the vette for a few years now drove it stock till I hit 160,000 miles then I added the ProCharger. Thats one sweet Riviera you have there yourself. I use to race at Maple Grove back in Pa and seen a few of them there from time to time.

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west4057 on Jan 8, 2012 said:

hi dave love those buicks!!!! yours is really sweet

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MisterCleveland on Jan 9, 2012 said:

I never would have thought to pick a Buick to hot rod...but something about this car is just so RIGHT.

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MustangGirl on Sep 21, 2012 said:

Gorgeous red interior. Thanks for sharing your car with us all.

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ghpcnm on Sep 25, 2012 said:

Thank you for the kind words

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olddude39 on Dec 6, 2012 said:

I have had several Rivieras, a '63 , '64 , 2 '73's , '79, '84 , and 2 '85's. My all time favorite is the '67 , & '68 never had one. I started to observe more when they went back to larger car. When they downsized them , as far I was concerned it wasn't the real Riviera . I am so ate up with Old Cars. Real Nice Rivey.

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ghpcnm on Dec 6, 2012 said:

Thank you, sir. I am in the process of looking for a Boat Tail Riv. I found a really nice AZ car but it's not the GS model. Kinda hedging a bit to see if I can find exactly what I want. I love Buicks. Have you seen my little Reatta?

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olddude39 on Dec 6, 2012 said:

Not a problem. Forgot to add, I also had a '74 Rivey. It was Red, with White Vinyl Top. My wife loved it.

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nickmon4321 on Dec 23, 2012 said:

Spectacular red leather interior, Dave.....Gotta love this car....A real show car.....You must get many compliments....Riviera's had a lot of class.....Nick

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ghpcnm on Dec 30, 2012 said:

Thanks, Nick.

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beever on Mar 22, 2013 said:

great show my friend, thanks for checking out my site. My Dad's 1st car was a 46 buick. thanks Dave

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OhioT on Apr 12, 2013 said:

Dave, Your Riviera remains fantastic!!

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ghpcnm on Apr 12, 2013 said:

Thank you, sir. How ya doing?

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Deadhead on Jan 31, 2014 said:

Riv is still looking top shelf, Dave! Where's those pics of your wife's Sahara that you mentioned a while back, hmmmmm?

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Anonymous on Jul 28, 2014 said:

Nice the silver accents in the interior. Question for you....Did those Lacrosse wheels bolt up directly, or did you change the rotors or used adapters? I wanna do the same but use another newer Buick wheel???

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ghpcnm on Jul 28, 2014 said:

I had them redrilled. The bolt pattern will not fit without re-drilling or an adapter. I prefer to NOT use adapters. Thanks for the compliment and good luck.

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Anonymous on Jan 6, 2015 said:

What are the name and size of these rims?

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ghpcnm on Jan 7, 2015 said:

They are 18" Buick LaCrosse Rims.

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Dan_Stanco on Apr 10, 2015 said:

Very nice car! I loved mine but my Ex-wife has it! I have a 95 Impala SS as a daily driver and I love it. Still keeping an eye out for a nice Rivera. I think they are sportier than the Impala SS The 90's were good years for GM

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azmusclecar on May 16, 2015 said:

This is my first look at one of these.......I mean I've seen them but never really noticed one up close. There's a whole lot to like about them. Great smooth body lines, the stance is perfect. I think the best way to learn more about one is to drive it. So, where are the keys and I'd just like a short test drive across a few states..........the lower 48 will do. That interior looks like one I could live in. Better seat than my recliner. Great color too...

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ghpcnm on May 16, 2015 said:

Thank you very much. It goes without saying, the Riv is an absolute pleasure to drive. I actually bought this car in Tucson from the original 89 year old owner. It has been garaged and absolutely babied all its life. Come on down to Florida and you can take her for a spin.

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Anonymous on Sep 12, 2015 said:

Dave, where'd you get that Shifter Knob?

Thanks, Terry

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ghpcnm on Sep 12, 2015 said:

Got it at PepBoys a few years back. I don't know if they still have them or not.

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Anonymous on Sep 13, 2015 said:

Thanks, Dave Nice car!


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ghpcnm on Sep 13, 2015 said:

Thanks, Terry.

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Anonymous on Nov 30, 2016 said:


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ghpcnm on Nov 30, 2016 said:

Try this link:

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nickmon4321 on Dec 5, 2016 said:

~ I see you got a new car ghpcnm just gotta love it too along with your others ~

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ghpcnm on Dec 5, 2016 said:

Yeah, I sold the Mustang. It was a great car,but it was time for me to move on. I like having something different to take to the shows. I still have the Riv. I suppose I will never get rid of that one.

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nickmon4321 on Dec 5, 2016 said:

~ Dave I may have told you about my 2 friends that were brothers and one of them had a Boat Tail Riviera and how he became the President of Paramount Motion Picture, but if I didn't here is his story lol ~ click on this link ~

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ghpcnm on Dec 5, 2016 said:

Yes, I read that write-up a while back and read it again today. Very interesting. Here's the link to my new ride page:

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azmusclecar on Feb 12, 2018 said:

And who let this rare beauty in this car show arena to suck up all the praise and awards and trophies?'s DAVE........ How can a man like that have such a plethora of beautiful cars and be such a.............such a,

nice guy? He's the poor Jay Leno of Florida. Or so I've heard he claims through Russian sources.

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ghpcnm on Feb 12, 2018 said:

Make that a VERY POOR Jay Leno wannabe...HEE HAW

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NorthShoreMustang on Feb 25, 2021 said:

Great looking car!! That interior is awesome!!

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ghpcnm on Feb 25, 2021 said:

Thank you very much. My Riviera is the most comfortable car I've ever owned. It has been garaged its entire life and is only driven to local car shows. It always draws a lot of attention and compliments. That sure is a nice looking Mustang you have there. Have you taken a look at what was once my little 6cyl ProCharged Mustang? Sorry to say, it's not mine anymore and I miss it. I love Mustangs and I hope to own a BOSS 429 one day. However, that will probably never happen. Thanks again for the compliment.

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Mario on Mar 1, 2021 said:

Hey Dave, try out the new game Brandon and I worked on called Name the cars with the Hidden Gas Caps. If you ever pumped gas at a station and are our age you should do well. The game went live today. Regards, Mario

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NorthShoreMustang on Feb 25, 2021 said:

very VERY sharp Mustang convert!! I would miss it too. I have had mine for many years and would have one heck of a time letting it go. I was at a car show 2 or 3 years ago and a fellow came over and wanted to trade his Roush Mustang for the 67. Well, I couldn't do it and still own it.

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Mario on Mar 7, 2021 said:

Hey Dave, I see you were with 3/3 in Vietnam Op Starlite. I was with 3/1 in I Corp North of Danang. Dec 1966 to Jan 1968. Semper Fi Brother! Mario

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ghpcnm on Apr 10, 2021 said:


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Mario on Apr 10, 2021 said:

Like = Agree Semper Fi.

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azmusclecar on Dec 30, 2021 said:

Dave, if you need a good example of that deer in the healight look, your vdeo of what year is it,


Happy New Year. Rob

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azmusclecar on Feb 2, 2022 said:

Happen to come across this on C/Gs list.

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ghpcnm on Feb 2, 2022 said:

I bought mine in Tucson. Looks to be in great condition. You won't find a more comfortable car anywhere (even among the new 2022 models). Are you going to buy it?

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Mario on Jan 16, 2025 said:

Hi Dave, haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is well with you. Semper Fi brother, Mario

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